Directory of Washington Libraries
The Directory of Washington Libraries provides information on all types of libraries within the state, including names, addresses, and phone numbers. The Directory of Washington Libraries' last print edition was 2007 and has been since replaced with an online searchable database at
Library Fact Sheets
Touched by LSTA
Each year the Washington State Library compiles data on the expenditure of LSTA funding for use in both Legislative District and Congressional District Factsheets. The data can also be used to create an Excel Pivot Table representation of this information without reference to a specific district. The table, Touched by LSTA, is organized by library, branch, the type of activity, i.e., whether it is a training, grant or a subsidy, and finally the name of the grant cycle or training. LSTA subsidies were given to libraries to support two major projects: 1) the Statewide Database Licensing project (SDL); and 2) the AskWA QuestionPoint virtual reference service. In total 761 training seats were occupied during federal fiscal year 2017 and over $472,000 in grants and subsidies were awarded. The remainder of the LSTA award supported statewide projects.
Touched by LSTA FFY2017 Report
Legislative District Fact Sheets
Legislative District Fact Sheets can now be found on the Legislative Fact Sheets page.
Congressional District Fact Sheets
The fact sheets illustrate funding and support from the Washington State Library to libraries across the state. Fact sheets are organized by congressional district below as well as Statewide.
Public Libraries in Washington State with Externally Available Wi-Fi (2020)
Last updated: 08-06-20
This map displays public library locations providing Wi-Fi internet access available to the public outside of closed library buildings. Note that Wi-Fi ranges and limits will vary by location. Demand for such Wi-Fi access rose with the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Each location includes information about Wi-Fi availability and whether a library card and password are needed to access the network. The data is based on a variety of sources, including websites, surveys and correspondence. Contact Evelyn Lindberg at, with questions or comments.
See the downloadable full dataset of locations on
The Trustee Support Resources Libguide replaces the Public Library Trustee Manual and provides information on the governing powers and duties of public library trustees. They highlight information about library issues that all trustees must address.
Shared Vision for Education: Connecting Educators, Families and Libraries
A resource guide for educators, families, and libraries which highlights the educational values of libraries.
A Shared Vision for Education (pdf)
Legislative Updates
Updates are available via Between the Lines, the Washington State Library blog.
A historical listing of legislative reports in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. 

We encourage your feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our
feedback form.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).