Assigned Number: 900 Filed: 01/10/2005
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 900 concerns performance audits of governmental entities.
This measure would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits of state and local governments, and dedicate 0.16% of the state’s portion of sales and use tax collections to fund these audits.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits of state and local government agencies and entities, including executive, legislative, and judicial agencies. The audits would include reviews of the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of each agency’s policies, management, fiscal affairs, and operations. To fund the audits, 0.16% of the state’s portion of sales and use tax collections would be placed in a new state treasury account and used only for performance audits.
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Assigned Number: 901 Filed: 01/10/2005
Sponsors Mr. Christopher Covert-Bowlds
Public Contact Information: 6560 Latona Ave NE, STE#A Seattle, WA 98115 Phone: 206-522-2233 Fax: 206-522-4433 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 901 concerns amending the Clean Indoor Air Act by expanding smoking prohibitions.
This measure would prohibit smoking in buildings and vehicles open to the public and places of employment, including areas within 25 feet of doorways and ventilation openings unless a lesser distance is approved.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit smoking in public places and in places of employment. Current laws allowing designation of certain smoking areas would be repealed, including current provisions allowing designation of an entire restaurant, bar, tavern, bowling alley, skating rink, or tobacco shop as a smoking area. The prohibition would include areas within 25 feet of entrances, exits, opening windows and ventilation intakes, unless shorter distances are approved by the director of the local health department.
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Assigned Number: 902 Filed: 01/10/2005
Sponsors Mr. Kris Craig
Public Contact Information: 4034 Rock Maple LN Apt. 102 Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 888-9895 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 902 concerns outsourcing jobs to foreign countries.
This measure would classify entities outsourcing jobs to foreign countries as “ethically deficient” and bar “ethically deficient” business entities from doing business in Washington, while providing criminal penalties for “ethically deficient” municipal officers.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the department of labor and industries to classify as “ethically deficient” entities outsourcing or exporting jobs to foreign countries. The measure includes an appeal process and a “redemption” process for entities that change their practices. Certain entities would be exempted but taxed under a “grandfather” clause. “Ethically deficient” non-municipal entities would be barred from doing business in Washington. Municipal officers responsible for “ethically deficient” practices would be subject to criminal prosecution.
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Assigned Number: 903 Filed: 01/10/2005
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title
Relating to the initiative and referendum process. Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/1/2005.
Ballot Measure Summary No summary was written due to withdrawal.
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Assigned Number: 904 Filed: 01/19/2005
Sponsors Mr. Richard J. Spady
Public Contact Information: PO Box 7237 Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (425) 747-8373
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 904 concerns a process to provide citizens’ opinions to governments.
This measure would establish a network of citizen councilors, coordinated by the state auditor’s office, where volunteers would meet in small groups and share their opinions on topics of public interest for tabulation.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish a network of citizen councilors to engage in dialogue on topics of public importance. Topics would be periodically identified by the state auditor based on special questionnaires sent to citizens who choose to participate, plus suggestions from public officials. The program would be coordinated through the state auditor’s office, would encourage citizen volunteers to meet in small groups, and develop opinions. Opinions would be tabulated with funding by donations and subscriptions.
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Assigned Number: 905 Filed: 01/26/2005
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 905 concerns the initiative and referendum.
This measure would require voter approval for changes in laws affecting the state initiative and referendum, provide expedited review of emergency clauses on bills, and require them to serve a compelling governmental purpose.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide that any law that changes the state initiative or referendum process would not take effect until approved by a majority of voters at a general election. Laws changing the initiative or referendum process after January 1, 2005, would be void unless approved by the voters. An emergency clause on a legislative bill would be subject to an expedited challenge in superior court, applying a “compelling governmental interest” standard, without further appeal.
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Assigned Number: 906 Filed: 01/10/2005
Sponsors Ms. Katherine S. Jackson
Public Contact Information: 1122 East Pike St Seattle, WA 98122-3934 Phone: (206) 612-3990
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 906 concerns compensating property owners for certain land use restrictions.
This measure would establish when state and local governments must compensate property owners for applying land use regulations, would identify exceptions, and would require compensation equal to the reduction in fair market value.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would identify circumstances under which state and local governments are required to compensate real property owners based on application of land use regulations, and would identify certain exceptions. Compensation would be equal to the reduction in fair market value of the affected property interest based on application of the land use regulation. Requirements for seeking and receiving compensation, including time limits, would be established.
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Assigned Number: 907 Filed: 01/31/2005
Sponsors Mr. Mark Horan
Public Contact Information: 505 S 325th St, #22A Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: (253)835-1178
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 907 concerns energy conservation in homes.
This measure would require residents of cities with a population of 500,000 or more, in homes with three or more bedrooms, to refrain from heating at least one bedroom from October to February.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require energy conservation by residents of cities with a population of 500,000 or more, whose homes have three or more bedrooms. Such residents would be required not to heat at least one bedroom (at least two for homes with five or more bedrooms) between October 21 and February 21 of each year, and to seal off such rooms from the rest of the residence. Violators could be fined $10,000 per month.
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Assigned Number: 908 Filed: 03/01/2005
Sponsors Mr. Chris DeLong
Public Contact Information: 8623 Palatine Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 Phone: (206)706-8338
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 908 concerns vehicle license plates.
This measure would require a car or other vehicle to have only one license plate, mounted on the rear of the vehicle. Existing statutes would be amended to reflect this change.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require a car or other vehicle used on the public highways to have only one license plate, mounted on the rear of the vehicle. Existing statutes would be amended to reflect the changed requirement.
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Assigned Number: 909 Filed: 03/14/2005
Sponsors Mr. Troy Houghtaling
Public Contact Information: 2513 Harrison Centralia, WA 98531 Phone: (360) 736-3645 Fax: (360)736-3645
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 909 concerns motorcycles.
This measure would make it lawful for a person over sixteen years of age to operate a small motorcycle known as a “pocket rocket” on the streets of any city or town.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would make it lawful for a person over sixteen years of age to operate a pocket rocket on the streets of any city or town in the state. The term “pocket rocket” would be defined as a small motorcycle with a gasoline powered engine displacing less than fifty cubic centimeters.
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Assigned Number: 910 Filed: 04/22/2005
Sponsors Ms. Lorinda Roland
Public Contact Information: PO Box 55 Olga, WA 98279 Phone: (360)376-6880
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 910 concerns vehicle license fees.
This measure would set vehicle license tab fees at 0.416 percent of vehicle value based on the original selling price, gradually depreciated, with maximum annual fees of $250 and minimum fees of $30.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish annual license tab fees for vehicles at 0.416 percent of the value, with maximum annual fees of $250 and minimum annual fees of $30.00. The value of a vehicle would be based on its original selling price, if available, or on the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. Fees would be based on full value the first year, reduced 10% each year, to the minimum $30 for vehicles 10 or more years old.
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Assigned Number: 911 Filed: 05/04/2005
Sponsors Mr. Gary L. Murrey
Public Contact Information: 5870 S 194th St Kent, WA 98032 Phone: [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 911 concerns smoking in public places.
This measure would permit smoking in most public places except where minors are allowed, and would require all local governments to follow state laws concerning smoking in public places.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would permit smoking throughout most public places except where minors are permitted. Bars, taverns, bowling alleys, tobacco shops, or restaurants could continue to allow smoking throughout. Cities, towns, counties, and other local governments would be prohibited from enacting local laws that conflict with state law regarding smoking in public places. The measure includes a “liberal construction” clause and a “severability” clause.
Revised Ballot Title
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Assigned Number: 912 Filed: 05/12/2005
Sponsors Ms. Jane Milhans
Public Contact Information: 2916 Mountain View Ave W University Place, WA 98466 Phone: (253)564-7352
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 912 concerns motor vehicle fuel taxes.
This measure would repeal motor vehicle fuel tax increases of 3 cents in 2005 and 2006, 2 cents in 2007, and 1.5 cents per gallon in 2008, enacted in 2005 for transportation purposes.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would repeal a motor vehicle fuel tax rate increase enacted by the 2005 session of the Legislature for state-wide transportation purposes. The 2005 enactment provides that the motor vehicle fuel tax rate would increase by three cents per gallon in July, 2005, by three cents per gallon more in 2006, by two cents per gallon more in 2007, and by one and one-half cents per gallon more in 2008.
Revised Ballot Title
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 01/25/2005
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary Initiative went inactive and no ballot title was written.
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