Assigned Number: 710 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. Ray D. (Monte) Benham
Mr. Tim D. Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1641
Mukilteo, WA 98275
Phone: (425) 493-8707
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would declare null and void tax and fee increases adopted without voter approval by state and local governments between July 2, 1999, and December 31, 1999. Vehicles would be exempted from property taxes. All property values would be reset at their 1999 levels. Property valuations and tax levy increases would be limited to the lesser of the inflation rate or 2% per year, except when property ownership changes or there is new construction.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 711 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. Ray D. (Monte) Benham
Mr. Tim D. Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1641
Mukilteo, WA 98275
Phone: (425) 493-8707
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require that 90% of all transportation funds, including local transit taxes, be spent on road construction, improvement, and maintenance. Road and lane construction and maintenance would be the top transportation priority. Performance audits of transportation agencies would be required. The authority for high-occupancy vehicle lanes would be repealed and such lanes made available to all traffic. Road construction materials would be exempt from sales tax. Counties and cities would update transportation plans.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 712 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Michael N. Matson
Public Contact Information: 1500 Lake Park Dr. SW, #21
Tumwater, WA 98512-6955 Phone: (360) 741-1101
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce the state property tax to $3.24 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. Counties would impose an 0.128% real estate excise tax for school construction, credited against an existing state tax. Local real estate sales taxes would be first applied to parks, open space, and recreation. Local governments imposing these taxes could not impose development fees or condition or deny land development based on needs for schools, parks, open space, or recreation.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 713 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Lisa A. Wathne
Public Contact Information: 2801 NE 195th St. #20 Seattle, WA 98155 Phone: (206) 367-0228
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would make it a gross misdemeanor to capture an animal with a steel-jawed leghold trap, neck snare, or other body-gripping trap. The director of fish and wildlife could grant special circumstance exceptions. It would also be unlawful to knowingly buy or sell an animal pelt trapped in this manner. It would also be a gross misdemeanor to poison any animal using sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) or sodium cyanide. Violators would lose trapping licenses.
Status: 261,268 signatures were submitted. The measure has been found to have sufficient valid signatures and will appear on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot.
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Assigned Number: 714 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Tod A. Green
Public Contact Information: 137 W. Northshore Drive
Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone: (509) 764-0166
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit smoking in any public place, except a tobacco shop. Casinos, bars, taverns, and bowling alleys would be defined as "public places." Owners of public establishments would be required to post prominent "no smoking" signs. Violations would be civil offenses, with penalties starting at $500 for a first offense. Penalty revenue would be used to discourage children from smoking. Laws permitting restaurants to designate smoking areas would be repealed.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 715 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Anthony G. Blount
Public Contact Information: 45222 SE 141st North Bend, WA 98045 Phone: (425) 888-2062 Fax:
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would permit citizens to place small memorials on public rights-of-way (but not the interstate highway system) where a death has occurred resulting from a motor vehicle accident. Memorials would be limited to two feet in height and width. Memorials would be placed at a safe distance from the edge of the shoulder of the road. Existing memorials exceeding size limitations would be exempt from removal so long as they presented no safety hazards.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 716 Filed: 01/10/2000
Sponsors Mr. Raleigh K. Stitt
Public Contact Information: 7714 18th Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-2294
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish a Washington health insurance plan administered by the health care authority, open to all state residents, and funded by premiums, state funds, tobacco taxes, and assessments on private health insurers and stop-loss insurers of employer benefit plans. Insurers and health plans would be required to disclose certain information about benefits, policies and protocols. Insurers would be liable for limits or denials of services and responsible for those acting on their behalf.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 717 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Gerald D. Schaefer
Public Contact Information: 508 Carl Way
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Phone: (360) 533-4632
| Ballot Measure Summary Shall the state property tax levy be reduced by 15% and then phased out, additional levy limits be imposed, and certain homeowner tax deferrals provided?
Status: Signatures submitted after statutory deadline. Per RCW 29.79.150, the Secretary of State refused to officially file the signatures.
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Assigned Number: 718 Filed: 01/11/2000
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St. Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: (425) 746-2983
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would return all property taxes to their levy rates of January 1, 1990. All increases in property taxes, except for improvements and construction, would require a 60% vote of the people. Property would be taxed at 80% of its market value. Assessed valuation would be adjusted for losses due to natural disasters, arson, or direct government action which reduces property values. Taxpayers could obtain comparable assessment and tax information if dissatisfied with assessments.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 719 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Stanley J. Bianchi, Jr.
Public Contact Information: 4960 Lincoln Road
Blaine, WA 98230
Phone: (360) 371-7761
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish a pension management board, consisting of eight beneficiary members, three experts appointed by the governor, and the directors of retirement systems, financial management, and the state investment board. This board would appoint the state actuary, review pension policy issues, establish contribution rates, and recommend proposed changes in legislation. The duties of the state actuary, the investment board, and department of retirement systems would be revised to reflect the new board’s duties.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 720 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kevin Raymond Galik
Public Contact Information: 2605 N. Ella Road
Spokane, WA 99212
Phone: (509) 926-3316
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restrict new and expanded retail stores that are over one hundred thousand square feet in area to not more than fifteen thousand square feet of nontaxable merchandise. "Nontaxable merchandise" means all products not subject to state sales tax. The sales and square footage of adjacent stores would be aggregated for the purposes of this measure if the stores shared check stands, management, a controlling ownership interest, a warehouse, or a distribution facility.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 721 Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kevin Raymond Galik
Public Contact Information: 2605 N. Ella Road
Spokane, WA 99212
Phone: (509) 926-3316
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restrict new and expanded retail stores that are over one hundred thousand square feet in area to not more than fifteen thousand square feet of nontaxable merchandise. "Nontaxable merchandise" means all products not subject to state sales tax. The sales and square footage of adjacent stores would be aggregated for the purposes of this measure if the stores shared check stands, management, a controlling ownership interest, a warehouse, or a distribution facility.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 722 Filed: 01/28/2000
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. Ray D. (Monte) Benham
Mr. Tim D. Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1641 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-8707
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would declare null and void tax and fee increases adopted without voter approval by state and local governments between July 2, 1999, and December 31, 1999. Vehicles would be exempted from property taxes. The limit on property tax increases, starting with the 1999 valuation level, would be the lower of 2% per year or the inflation rate. A separate limit would apply to new construction, and maintenance improvements would be exempt from tax.
Status: 272,678 signatures have been submitted. The measure has been found to have sufficient valid signatures and will appear on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot.
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Assigned Number: 723 Filed: 01/12/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jeffrey C. Sullivan
Public Contact Information: 210 Tipp Road
Yakima, WA 98901 Phone: (509) 248-5764
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce the state property tax levy from $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation to $2.40. An amount equal to the $1.20 reduction would be dedicated to common schools from other general fund revenue. The emergency reserve fund law would be revised; some funds would be used to reduce the property tax and some would be used for school construction. The levy limits for counties and other local governments would be revised.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 724 Filed: 01/10/2000
Sponsors Mr. Donald W. Carter
Public Contact Information: 8311 Thrulake Loop
Olympia, WA 98513
Phone: (360) 456-8655
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would eliminate the state property tax levy. The assessed value of property would not exceed 50% of true and fair value. Real estate property taxes would be calculated at $5.90 per $1000 of assessed value. Chapter 84.41 of the Revised Code of Washington, relating to property revaluation, would be eliminated. Voter approved levies would not be affected. The measure would take effect January 1, 2001.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 725 Filed: 02/01/2000
Sponsors Mr. Stuart J. Bramhall
Public Contact Information: PO Box 30506
Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206) 903-9723
[email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish a health security trust to operate a health coverage system for state residents not covered by federal programs. The trust would develop a single uniform benefits package funded by mandatory premiums, a 9.75% payroll assessment on employers, existing taxes, and co-payments. Payments to providers would be negotiated. For residents keeping private insurance coverage, state coverage would be secondary, with premiums remaining mandatory. Funds would be appropriated for fiscal 2001 and 2002.* *Note: Ballot summary revised by Thurston County Superior Court on March 17, 2000.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 726 Filed: 02/01/2000
Sponsors Mr. J. H. Vandermeer
Public Contact Information: 1922 Pear St NE
Olympia, WA 98506
Phone: (360) 352-4068
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require the department of licensing to compile and publish a list of automobiles and trucks that, as manufactured, have irritating daytime running lights. All daytime running lights that exceed 1500 dc at 12.8v would be considered irritating. A daytime running light irritation fee of $17 per year would be imposed on all vehicles with irritating daytime running lights registered after July 1, 2001, but waived for owners who disable their running lights.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 727 Filed: 02/11/2000
Sponsors Mr. Richard Lee Moore
Public Contact Information: 91 Packard Street
Underwood, WA 98651 Phone: (509) 493-2098
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the legislature to enact legislation calling for a constitutional convention. The initiative includes a suggested amendment to the United States Constitution, which would establish a national initiative and referendum system. The measure sets forth the details of a proposed system by which federal laws could be enacted by national initiative, laws and treaties could be reviewed by referendum, and federal officers could be recalled from office.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 728 Filed: 02/08/2000
Sponsors Lisa D. Macfarlane
Public Contact Information: PO Box 21746
Seattle, WA 98111
Phone: (206) 283-5549
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct that certain existing state revenue, including all unobligated lottery revenue, be placed in a student achievement fund and in the education construction fund. Part of the state property tax levy would be distributed directly to school districts as student achievement funds. These distributions would not affect the state expenditure limit. The emergency reserve fund would be recalculated, and some of the redirected money would be placed in the student achievement fund.
Status: 297,199 signatures have been submitted. The measure has been found to have sufficient valid signatures and will appear on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot.
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Assigned Number: 729 Filed: 02/23/2000
Sponsors Good Choices for Public Schools Mr. James R. Spady
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2182 Seattle, WA 98111
Phone: (206) 442-9160
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would authorize school districts and public universities to sponsor charter public schools. Charter public schools would be run by nonprofit corporations, accountable to their sponsors for financial and academic performance, but operated independently of school districts. Charter public schools would be open to all students and staffed by certificated teachers, who could choose to unionize. Charter public schools would be exempt from most state school regulations, except in health, safety, and civil rights.
Status: 306,361 signatures have been submitted. The measure has been found to have sufficient valid signatures and will appear on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot.
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Assigned Number: 730 Filed: 03/16/2000
Sponsors Mr. Brian Sullivan
Public Contact Information: 4440 Memory Lane W
University Place, WA 98466 Phone: (253) 472-5041
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require all financial institutions and insurance companies to protect consumer personal information. "Personal information" would include identification numbers, passwords, account balances, phone numbers, and similar information. Companies would be prohibited from collecting unnecessary information and restricted in transferring personal information to others, except when authorized by the customer or subject to such exceptions as business necessity or compliance with federal or state law. Violations could result in fines and in civil liability.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 731 Filed: 03/09/2000
Sponsors Mr. John J. McMillen
Public Contact Information: 8719 Vistarama Ave
Everett, WA 98208 Phone: (425) 379-9021
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the legislature to immediately convene and adopt a budget that reduces all state expenditures by approximately 2.5%. No agency should be targeted for massive budget cuts.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 732 Filed: 03/14/2000
Sponsors Mr. Lee Ann Prielipp Washington Education Association
Public Contact Information: 33434 8th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003
Phone: (253) 941-6700 [email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide annual cost-of-living salary adjustments to school district employees, academic employees of community and technical college districts, and certain employees of technical colleges. The annual increase would be based on the consumer price index compiled for Washington State by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Beginning in 2001-2002, school districts and community and technical college districts would be required to spend their state-funded cost-of-living allocations on salary adjustments.
Status: 298,722 signatures were submitted. The measure has been found to have sufficient valid signatures and will appear on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot.
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Assigned Number: 733 Filed: 03/15/2000
Sponsors Mr. J.R. Baker
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 10504
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Phone: (206) 855-1717
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would allow businesses to collect only personal information reasonably necessary to process a consumer-related request. Personal information could not be disclosed without permission, except for law enforcement, emergency, and related purposes, with additional restrictions as to financial and medical information. Consumers would have access to their personal information. Personal information could be kept only so long as necessary, or as otherwise provided by law. Violations could result in civil liability or misdemeanor prosecution.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 734 Filed: 03/24/2000
Sponsors Mr. George F. McRoberts, Jr.
Public Contact Information: 16219 121st Ave NE
Bothell, WA 98011 Phone: (425) 488-1176
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide property tax exemptions for real property used as a principal residence for persons 61 years old or older. The tax rate would be the rate for all levies imposed during the final assessment year. "Final assessment year" would be generally defined as the year in which a person becomes 60 years of age. No regular or excess levies could be imposed on real property used as a principal place of residence.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 735 Filed: 04/14/2000
Sponsors Mr. J.R. Baker
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 10504 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Phone: (206) 855-1717
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would allow businesses to collect only personal information reasonably necessary to process consumer-related requests. Personal information could not be disclosed without permission, except for law enforcement, non-profit and other stated purposes, with additional restrictions as to financial and medical information. Consumers would have access to their personal information. Personal information could be kept only so long as necessary, or as otherwise provided by law. Violations could result in civil liability or misdemeanor prosecution.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 736 Filed: 03/27/2000
Sponsors Elizabeth Patrick
Public Contact Information: 2619 N Market St, #35 Spokane, WA 99207 Phone: (509) 483-0164
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would make certain declarations concerning the national security agency. It would also prohibit the following conduct by the national security agency: censorship of news media, use of experimental drugs on servicemen, monitoring conversations through telephone or satellite, lobbying, or forming dummy corporations. Certain governments, businesses, and organizations would be barred from employing members of the national security agency. Violations could result in fines of $300,000 to $5 million, imprisonment, and other penalties.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 737 Filed: 03/27/2000
Sponsors Elizabeth Patrick
Public Contact Information: 2619 N Market St, #35 Spokane, WA 99207 Phone: (509) 483-0164
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit the use of funds collected by the state, or any city, town, or county in the state of Washington, for funding the national security agency of the federal government. This prohibition would apply to appropriated funds and revolving funds.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 738 Filed: 04/18/2000
Sponsors Suzanne D. Karr
Public Contact Information: 2224 Grand Avenue Everett, WA 98201 Phone: (425) 258-9611
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require that 90% of state and local transportation funds, including local transit taxes but excluding ferry and transit fares, be spent on road construction, improvement, and maintenance. Road and lane construction and maintenance would be the top transportation priority. Performance audits of transportation and public transit agencies would be required. Materials and labor used in road construction or maintenance would be exempt from sales tax. Counties and cities would update transportation plans.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 739 Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jeffrey T. Haley
Public Contact Information: 313 Minor Ave
Seattle, WA 98109-5437 Phone: (206) 417-5088 [email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would define "simple drug possession" as the nonviolent, unlawful possession, use, or transportation for personal use of any controlled substance; persons convicted would be sentenced to a treatment program rather than prison. Incarceration could be used for persons who have multiple convictions, refuse to cooperate in treatment, or are not amenable to treatment. Possession of less than forty grams of marijuana for personal use would be a civil infraction with a civil fine.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 740 Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th
Olympia, WA 98502
Phone: (360) 956-3742
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would declare that half of the planet’s oxygen has been depleted since 1850 and that oxygen is the most important product to come from trees. Therefore, this measure would require that all trees growing and producing oxygen on publicly owned lands be forever preserved to supply voters with essential life-sustaining oxygen.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 741 Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th
Olympia, WA 98502
Phone: (360) 956-3742
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would repeal laws requiring persons practicing law in this state to be members of the state bar association. Membership in the state bar association would be eliminated as a requirement for holding public office, exercising free speech, and representing others in court.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 742 Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th
Olympia, WA 98502
Phone: (360) 956-3742
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would instruct the federal internal revenue service to comply with federal and Washington state laws and constitutions. It would require the internal revenue service to obtain a court order/judgment before taking any property within the state of Washington.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 743 Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th
Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 956-3742
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would declare that courts of limited jurisdiction have never and shall not ever have the power to impose fines or imprison any flesh and blood person as prescribed by the Washington State Constitution.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: 744 Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th
Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 956-3742
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would declare the Revised Code of Washington, the Washington Administrative Code, and all municipal ordinances to be void from inception as applied to flesh and blood people. The measure would declare that the state of Washington and its subdivisions, franchises, and instrumentalities are to be strictly limited to powers granted in the original Washington State Constitution.
Status: No signatures were submitted.q
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Assigned Number: 745 Filed: 05/03/2000
Sponsors Mr. Tim D. Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 1641
Mukilteo, WA 98275
Phone: (425) 493-8707
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require that 90% of state and local transportation funds, including local transit taxes but excluding ferry and transit fares, be spent on road construction, improvement, and maintenance. Road and lane construction and maintenance would be the top transportation priority. Performance audits of transportation and public transit agencies would be required. Materials and labor used in road construction or maintenance would be exempt from sales tax. Counties and cities would update transportation plans.
Status: 274,490 signatures have been submitted. The measure has been found to have sufficient valid signatures and will appear on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot.
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Assigned Number: 746 Filed: 05/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jeffrey T. Haley
Public Contact Information: 313 Minor Ave
Seattle, WA 98109-5437 Phone: (206) 417-5088
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would define "simple drug possession" as the nonviolent, unlawful possession, use, or transportation for personal use of any controlled substance; persons convicted would be sentenced to a treatment program rather than prison. Incarceration could be used for persons who have multiple convictions, refuse to cooperate in treatment, or are not amenable to treatment. Possession of less than forty grams of marijuana for personal use would be a civil infraction with a civil fine.
Status: No signatures were submitted.
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/07/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jamie B. Newman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 4234
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 322-7941
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/10/2000
Sponsors Mr. Richard Lee Moore
Public Contact Information: 91 Packard Street
Underwood, WA 98651
Phone: (509) 493-2098
| |
Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/18/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 956-3742
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/18/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 8th Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 956-3742
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/18/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 956-3742
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/01/2000
Sponsors Mr. James L. Morrison
Public Contact Information: 120 Maddox St. Yakima, WA 98937 Phone: (509) 966-5734
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/08/2000
Sponsors Mr. Don Carter
Public Contact Information: 8311 Thrulake Loop
Olympia, WA 98513 Phone: (360) 456-8655
| |
Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/11/2000
Sponsors Mr. Theodore E. Cowan
Public Contact Information: 14222 Hobart Road
Issaquah, WA 98027
Phone: (425) 392-6896
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/24/2000
Sponsors Mr. David J. Youngs
Public Contact Information: 4742 42nd Ave SW
PMB #540
Seattle, WA 98116 Phone: (206) 579-6347
| |
Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/28/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kathleen A. Dinwiddie
Public Contact Information: 10708 136th St NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98329
Phone: (253) 853-7975
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 04/19/2000
Sponsors Mr. Kurt Weinreich
Public Contact Information: 905 W 5th
Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 956-3742
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 04/25/2000
Sponsors Mr. Chad E. Taylor
Public Contact Information: 45 NE Washington Ave, Apt H Chehalis, WA 98532
Phone: (360) 740-4477
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 04/27/2000
Sponsors Mary Ann McCabe
Public Contact Information: 8940 Salty Drive NW Olympia, WA 98502
Phone: (360) 866-8506
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 04/28/2000
Sponsors Suzanne D. Karr
Public Contact Information: 2224 Grand Avenue
Everett, WA 98201 Phone: (425) 258-9611
| |