Assigned Number: 686 Filed: 01/05/1998
Sponsors Mr. Robert J. Hoyden
Public Contact Information: PO Box 68401
Seattle, WA 98168
Phone: (206) 233-9472
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit courts from ordering any divorced or separated parents to contribute to the post-secondary education of children over eighteen years of age. Parents currently subject to such orders could have this requirement removed without showing a change in circumstances, but the change would be delayed for up to one year if the child is currently enrolled. Courts could not consider post-secondary education costs in deciding whether to follow standard child support schedules.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline. *Note: A challenge to the ballot title of I-686 was filed in Thurston County Superior Court in January. The court dismissed the challenge on February 6 1998.
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Assigned Number: 687 Filed: 01/12/1998
Sponsors Mr. Donald W. Carter
Public Contact Information: 8311 Thrulake Loop
Olympia , WA 98513 Phone: (360) 456-8655
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would, beginning in 1999, assess property taxes on the basis of "adjusted value," which would be the lower of (1) current value, or (2) the property's 1992 assessed value increased by 2 percent for each subsequent year, plus improve-ments not previously assessed. Property used as the owner's residence could not be taxed at more than 0.59 percent of adjusted value. Taxing districts would be limited to 2 percent annual increases in property tax collections
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 688 Filed: 01/13/1998
Sponsors Mr. Rick S. Bender
Public Contact Information: 16209 Simonds Rd Bothell, WA 98011
Phone: (425) 488-0107
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would increase the state minimum wage for workers eighteen years and older from $4.90 to $5.70 per hour, effective January 1, 1999, and to $6.50 per hour, effective January 1, 2000. Beginning in 2001, the state minimum wage would be annually adjusted. The adjustment would be calculated each September 30, using the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers, and would take effect on January 1 of the following year.
Status: 288,357 signatures submitted. The petition has been found to have sufficient valid signatures, and will appear on the Nov. 3, 1998, General Election Ballot.
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Assigned Number: 689 Filed: 01/13/1998
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St
Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (425) 746-2983
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would return property tax levies to their January 1, 1989 levels. Real property would be assessed at 80 percent of market value. Changes in tax rates, assessments, valuations, taxes, percentages, or criteria would require a 60 percent approval of the voters in a general election. Certain local governments would be required to submit tax proposals to the voters, and would require a 60 percent majority. The 106 percent levy limit would be repealed.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 690 Filed: 01/13/1998
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: (425) 746-2983
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would enact a new license fee system for motor vehicles, to replace all existing excise taxes, fees, and rates. Heavy trucks and buses would be assessed by weight, and could be registered for two years or for shorter periods. Trailers would be assessed by weight and number of axles. Fixed fees would be established for passenger cars, pick-ups, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, and snowmobiles. The specific fees are set forth in the measure.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 691 Filed: 02/26/1998
Sponsors Mr. Martin Rood
Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: 4505 University Ave NE #111
Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: (206) 522-4824
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce the excise taxes on motor vehicles to half their present levels, effective January 1, 1999. These taxes would be repealed effective January 1, 2000. The legislature and the governor would be directed to use any budget surpluses to replace lost revenue; prioritize activities previously funded with these taxes; implement cost-saving strategies; reduce or eliminate lower priority activities; and use other existing revenue for higher priority activities
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 692 Filed: 02/26/1998
Sponsors Karen Pehoushek Mr. Robert Killian
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2346
Seattle , WA 98111 Phone: (206) 781-7716
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would permit the medical use of marijuana by patients with certain terminal or debilitating conditions. Non-medical use of marijuana would still be prohibited. Physicians would be authorized to advise patients about the risks and benefits of the medical use of marijuana. Qualifying patients and their primary caregivers would be protected from prosecution if they possess marijuana solely for medical use by the patient. Certain additional restrictions and limitations are detailed in the measure.
Status: 260,335 signatures submitted. The petition has been found to have sufficient valid signatures, and will appear on the Nov. 3, 1998, General Election Ballot.
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Assigned Number: 693 Filed: 02/24/1998
Sponsors Elizabeth Patrick
Public Contact Information: 2808 S Freya
Spokane, WA 99223
Phone: (509) 483-0164
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit the use of any funds collected by the state or any city, town, or county to fund the national security agency of the federal government. The use of non-appropriated and revolving funds would likewise be barred. Any official violating this measure would be subject to a fine of five million dollars and to twenty years imprisonment.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 694 Filed: 03/30/1998
Sponsors Mr. Robert V. Bethel
Public Contact Information: 20730 Bond Rd NE,#205
Poulsbo, WA 98370
Phone: (360) 779-4145
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure makes it a felony to kill a fetus in the "process of birth" except when such procedure is the only way to prevent death of the mother. This measure defines the "process of birth" as the point in time when the mother's cervix has become dilated, the membrane of the amniotic sac has ruptured, and any part of the fetus has passed from the uterus or womb into the birth canal.*
Status: 216,716 signatures submitted. The petition has been found to have sufficient valid signatures, and will appear on the Nov. 3, 1998, General Election Ballot.
*Note: Ballot title and summary language ordered by the Thurston County Superior Court on May 8, 1998.
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/05/1998
Sponsors David Daw
Public Contact Information: 2716 S. Dearborn St. #A
Seattle, WA 98144 Phone: (206) 980-8307
| Status: Withdrawn by Sponsor
Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 01/05/1998
Sponsors David Daw
Public Contact Information: 2716 S. Dearborn St. #A
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 980-8307
| Status: Withdrawn by Sponsor
Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/06/1998
Sponsors JoAnna McKee
Public Contact Information: 8843 10th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98106
Phone: (206) 762-0630
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/20/1998
Sponsors Elizabeth Patrick
Public Contact Information: 2808 S Freya Spokane, WA 99223 Phone: (509) 483-0164
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 03/11/1998
Sponsors Mr. Maximus T. Englerius
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2622
Seattle, WA 98111 Phone: (206) 322-5500
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