Assigned Number: 673 Filed: 01/08/1997
Sponsors Mr. Stephen E. Wehrly
Public Contact Information: 14010 SW Bates Road
Vashon, WA 98070 Phone: (206) 463-2479
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would regulate health plans issued or renewed beginning July 1, 1998. Managed care provisions would be allowed only to ensure effective and efficient services. Persons changing plans could not be required to change health care providers. Certain plan information would be disclosed. Services could be provided by any health care provider whose scope of practice includes services covered by the plan, including physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, osteopaths, chiropractors, podiatrists, naturopaths, optometrists, and nurse practitioners.
Status: A total of 241,548 signatures were submitted. The measure was found to have sufficient valid signatures, and was subsequently certified to the Nov. 4 (1997) General Election Ballot. It was rejected by the following vote: YES - 521,161 NO - 1,087,903
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Assigned Number: 674 Filed: 01/14/1997
Sponsors Mr. Jasper MacSlarrow
Public Contact Information: 5209 NE 15th Avenue, #302
Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: (206) 528-6089
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would exempt public education spending from the provisions of Initiative 601. (Initiative 601 establishes a cap on state expenditures and imposes conditions on tax increases.) The term "public education" would include public schools from early childhood through high school, the state schools for the blind and for the deaf, all state-funded colleges and other institutions of higher education, and public libraries. The state expenditure limit would be recalculated to exclude public education expenditures.
Status: No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 675 Filed: 01/28/1997
Sponsors Mr. Donald Carter
Public Contact Information: 8311 Thrulake Loop
Olympia, WA 98513 Phone: (360) 456-8655
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would, beginning in 1998, assess property taxes on the basis of "adjusted value," which would be the lower of (1) current value, or (2) the property's 1992 assessed value increased by 2 percent for each subsequent year, plus the value of new construction. Property used as the owner's residence could not be taxed at more than 0.59 percent of adjusted value. Taxing districts would be limited to 2 percent annual increases in property tax collections.
Status: No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 676 Filed: 01/31/1997
Sponsors Mr. Thomas C. Wales
Public Contact Information: 108 Hayes Street
Seattle, WA 98109-2808 Phone: (206) 583-8113
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would make it unlawful to transfer a handgun without an operable trigger-locking device. A handgun safety license would be required to acquire or possess a handgun. A license would be issued only to persons who have completed instruction in safe operation, handling and storage of handguns. A person transferring a handgun would be required to verify that the recipient holds a handgun safety license. Certain exemptions exist for law enforcement and other purposes.
Status: A total of 239,805 signatures were submitted. The measure was found to have sufficient valid signatures, and was subsequently certified to the Nov. 4 (1997) General Election Ballot. It was rejected by the following vote: YES - 496,690 NO - 1,194,004
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Assigned Number: 677 Filed: 02/11/1997
Sponsors Suzanne J. Thomas
Public Contact Information: 800 5th Ave, Suite 4000
Seattle, WA 98104-3179 Phone: (206) 626-6000
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations from discriminating based on sexual orientation in employment, employment agency, and union membership practices. It would not require benefits to an employee's partner or preferential treatment based on sexual orientation, and would allow workplace conduct rules applied in the same manner to all employees. Retaliation for opposing prohibited practices would be prohibited. Non-profit religious organizations and employers with fewer than eight employees would be exempt
Status: A total of 229,793 signatures were submitted. The measure was found to have sufficient valid signatures, and was subsequently certified to the Nov. 4 (1997) General Election Ballot. It was rejected by the following vote: YES - 666,073 NO - 985,169
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Assigned Number: 678 Filed: 02/10/1997
Sponsors Anita R. Munson
Public Contact Information: 3915 Connecticut St
Bellingham , WA 98226
Phone: (206) 344-4130
| Ballot Measure Summary Under current law, dental hygienists perform their services under the supervision of licensed dentists, with certain exceptions. This measure would create a dental hygiene quality assurance commission, consisting of three licensed dental hygienists and one public member, to license dental hygienists and regulate their profession. Licensed dental hygienists could obtain an enhanced practice endorsement allowing them to perform dental hygiene services (except nitrous oxide administration and the placing and carving of restorations) without dentist supervision.
Status: A total of 272,764 signatures were submitted. The measure was found to have sufficient valid signatures, and was subsequently certified to the Nov. 4 (1997) General Election Ballot. It was rejected by the following vote: YES - 787,607 NO - 883,488
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Assigned Number: 679 Filed: 02/03/1997
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (206) 746-2983
| Status: * Incomplete (Refiled as I-681)
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Assigned Number: 680 Filed: 02/03/1997
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St
Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (206) 746-2983
| Status: * Incomplete (Refiled as I-682)
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Assigned Number: 681 Filed: 03/05/1997
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (206) 746-2983
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would return property tax levies to their January 1, 1989 levels. Real property would be assessed at 80 percent of market value. Changes in tax rates, assessments, valuations, taxes, percentages, or criteria would require a 60 percent approval of the voters in a general election. Certain local governments would be required to submit tax proposals to the voters, and would require a 60 percent majority. The 106 percent levy limit would be repealed.
Status: No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 682 Filed: 03/05/1997
Sponsors Mr. Winton G. Cannon
Public Contact Information: 16443 SE 8th St Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: (206) 746-2983
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would enact a new license fee system for motor vehicles. Heavy motor vehicles and buses would be assessed by weight, starting at $110.00 for 8,000 pounds for a two-year license. Campers, trailers, and motor homes would be charged $54.00 for two years, increased for longer vehicles. The annual fee for cars and pick-ups would be $35.00, and $10.00 for snowmobiles and off-road vehicles. Current licensing fees and vehicle excise taxes would be repealed
Status: No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 683 Filed: 03/05/1997
Sponsors Mr. Robert K. Killian
Public Contact Information: 2400 NW 80th #186 Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 781-6795
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would deny parole to anyone convicted of a violent crime committed under the influence of a controlled substance. Persons convicted of non-violent drug possession crimes would be paroled or placed on probation, subject to court discretion. Medical use of Schedule I controlled substances would be permitted. A drug education and prevention commission and a drug treatment and education fund would be created. Six million dollars per year would be transferred to this fund.
Status: No signatures submitted (Note: Refiled as I-685)
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Assigned Number: 684 Filed: 03/19/1997
Sponsors Mr. Stanley R. Reed
Public Contact Information: 264 E. Mounts Rd Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Phone: (360) 675-9295
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would increase the retail sales tax by one-half of one percent. The revenue from the increase would be placed in a fish and wildlife recreation and enforcement account. Money in the account could be appropriated only for: aid for projects beneficial to fish and wildlife; education on fish and wildlife benefits; feeding wildlife; purchase of habitat; building and operating pheasant farms and fish hatcheries; wildlife viewing areas and access; and cleaning up streams.
Status: No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 685 Filed: 04/04/1997
Sponsors Mr. Robert K. Killian
Public Contact Information: 2400 NW 80th #186
Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 781-6795
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would deny parole to anyone convicted of a violent crime committed under the influence of a controlled substance. Persons convicted of non-violent drug possession crimes would be paroled or placed on probation, subject to court discretion. Medical use of Schedule I controlled substances would be permitted. A drug education and prevention commission and a drug treatment and education fund would be created. Six million dollars per year would be transferred to this fund.
Status: A total of 245,193 signatures were submitted. The measure was found to have sufficient valid signatures, and was subsequently certified to the Nov. 4 (1997) General Election Ballot. It was rejected by the following vote: YES - 659,244 NO - 1,006,964
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/03/1997
Sponsors Mr. Bruce S. Wishart
Public Contact Information: 1023 W. 5th Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 754-9177
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/06/1997
Sponsors Mr. John R. Murray
Public Contact Information: 5727 156th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: (206) 885-6972
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 02/25/1997
Sponsors Mr. Bruce S. Wishart
Public Contact Information: 1023 W. 5th Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 943-1141
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 03/26/1997
Sponsors Mr. Patrick M. Crawford
Public Contact Information: PO 161
Little Rock, WA 98556 Phone: (360) 357-7536
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Assigned Number: Incomplete Filed: 03/31/1997
Sponsors Mr. Ed Owens Mr. John Grahame Bell
Public Contact Information: 800 5th Avenue, Suite 125 Seattle, WA 98104-3191 Phone: (206) 781-7750
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