Assigned Number: 409 Filed: 05/06/2008
Sponsors Mr. Albert Pong
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 65488 University Place, WA 98464-0488 Phone: 206-935-3505 Fax: [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 409 concerns enforcement of immigration laws.
This measure would require state and local agencies to cooperate in enforcing federal immigration laws and would require verifying immigration status of persons seeking employment, receiving driver’s licenses, and receiving some public benefits.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require state and local government agencies to cooperate with the federal government in enforcing immigration laws. Employers would be required to verify immigration status of employees, subject to penalty. It would require verification of immigration status of applicants for some state, local and federal public benefits. Nonprofit organizations would be prohibited from offering employment services without proof of immigration status. Issuance of driver’s licenses would be prohibited without proof of immigration status.
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Assigned Number: 410 Filed: 06/04/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 410 concerns the initiative and referendum processes.
This measure would require a two-thirds legislative majority to change laws concerning initiatives or referendums; require expedited legal challenges to such laws; and revise laws concerning petitions and suits challenging initiatives or referendums.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require a two-thirds legislative majority to change laws concerning initiatives or referendums. It would require outside counsel hired by the attorney general, and allow anyone else, to challenge laws affecting initiative or referendum processes. State officials would be required to process referendum petitions on laws containing emergency clauses. Laws concerning petitions and signature gathering would be revised. Suits challenging the validity of initiatives or referendums could be brought only after the vote.
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Assigned Number: 411 Filed: 06/13/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to capping the growth of taxes
*Withdrawn by sponsor 06-26-2008*
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Assigned Number: 412 Filed: 07/10/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to capping taxes
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 07-17-2008*
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Assigned Number: 413 Filed: 07/25/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 413 concerns state, county, and city general fund revenue increases.
This measure would limit state, county, and city general fund revenue growth to one percent annually, based on 2007 revenues, except for voter-approved increases. Revenue above the limit would be distributed to registered voters.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit annual growth of “general fund revenues” (a term defined in the measure) to one percent per year, based on 2007 revenues, for the state and for each county and city. Voter-approved increases would not be included in calculating the limits. Revenues collected above these limits would be placed in a “Refund Excess Taxes Account” created by the measure and would be equally distributed statewide each year among Washington active registered voters.
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Assigned Number: 414 Filed: 07/17/2008
Sponsors Mr. Christopher M. King
Public Contact Information: 3161 Elliott Ave Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98121-1099 Phone: 206-441-0202 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 414 concerns the State Investment Board’s investing state retirement and other funds.
This measure would add the consideration of specified societal criteria in selecting private equity investments for the state retirement and other funds, and amend the investment standard of maximizing return with prudent risk.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary The State Investment Board invests state retirement and other funds based on maximizing return with prudent risk. The measure amends that standard. It would require the Board to also consider compliance by private companies in which the funds are invested with specified societal criteria, including disclosing information to the public, guaranteeing rights of employees, and mitigating environmental harm. The Board would be required to adopt procedures to encourage and evaluate compliance with these societal criteria.
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Assigned Number: 415 Filed: 09/08/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 415 concerns state, county, and city general fund revenue increases.
This measure would limit state, county, and city general fund revenue increases, except voter-approved increases, to the annual rate of inflation. Revenue collected above the limit would be distributed annually to registered voters.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit annual growth of “general fund revenues” (as defined in the measure) to the annual rate of inflation, based on 2007 revenues, for the state and for each county and city. Voter-approved increases would not be included in calculating the limits. Revenues collected above these limits would be placed in a “Refund Excess Taxes Account” created by the measure and would be equally distributed statewide each year among Washington active registered voters.
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Assigned Number: 416 Filed: 09/22/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to property taxes
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 10-01-2008*
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Assigned Number: 417 Filed: 09/11/2008
Sponsors Mr. Yoram Bauman
Public Contact Information: 7420 Woodlawn Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 Phone: 206-351-5719 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 417 concerns taxes and fees.
This measure would repeal the state property tax supporting public schools and impose a new fee on fossil fuels, directing the fee revenue to education, low-income people, alternative-energy research, and business tax reductions.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would repeal the state property tax for the support of the common schools and reduce certain taxes on businesses. It would also impose a new fee on the extracting, processing, refining, or importing of fossil fuels, including natural gas, petroleum, or coal. Revenue raised by the fee would be used for alternative energy research at universities and colleges, common school education, payments for low-income people, and reductions to the business and occupation tax.
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Assigned Number: 418 Filed: 09/23/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 98228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to Protecting the Initiative Process
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 10-08-2008*
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Assigned Number: 419 Filed: 10/01/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 419 concerns limiting property taxes.
This measure would reduce 2009 property tax levies (for collection in 2010) by 25%. Subsequent levy increases would be limited to 1% annually over the 2009 levy, unless voters approve a higher levy.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce regular 2009 property tax levies, for collection in 2010, by 25%. It would limit subsequent increases to 1% annually over the 2009 levy. The 1% limit would exclude the portion of any levy approved by the voters and excess levies. Property tax increases on individual property would not exceed 1% annually, and property owners would be exempt from property taxes greater than 1% per year, unless the voters approve increased levies.
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 10-09-2008
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Assigned Number: 420 Filed: 10/08/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-1027 Fax: fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 420 concerns the initiative and referendum processes.
This measure would require a two-thirds legislative majority to change laws concerning initiatives or referendums; require expedited legal challenges to such laws; and revise laws concerning petitions and suits challenging initiatives or referendums.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require a two-thirds legislative majority to change laws concerning initiatives or referendums. It would require outside counsel hired by the attorney general, and allow anyone else, to challenge laws affecting initiative or referendum processes. State officials would be required to process referendum petitions on laws containing emergency clauses. Laws concerning petitions and signature gathering would be revised. Suits challenging the validity of initiatives or referendums could be brought only after the vote.
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Assigned Number: 421 Filed: 10/08/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-1027 Fax: fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 421 concerns the initiative and referendum processes.
This measure would require expedited, publicly funded, legal challenges of certain laws regarding initiative and referendum processes; open certain private property to signature gathering; and revise laws concerning form and circulation of petitions.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require outside counsel hired by the attorney general, and allow anyone else, to challenge in court certain laws relating to the initiative and referendum processes promptly after such laws are enacted, and would require the court to expedite such lawsuits. It would revise petition format and the time period for circulation, require certain retail businesses to permit petition circulation on their property, and exempt names and addresses of petition-signers from public disclosure.
*Last day to challenge title and/or summary: 10-31-2008
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Assigned Number: 422 Filed: 10/06/2008
Sponsors Ms. Jamie Henneman
Public Contact Information: 2534 Highway 255 Rice, WA 99167 Phone: 509-738-6127
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 422 concerns public agency meetings.
This measure would require public agency meetings addressing a policy or regulatory issue that affects the public to include an informational presentation and an open comment period, and to be recorded or documented.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require any meeting held by a public agency to include an informational presentation and an open comment, question, and answer period concerning the issue discussed. The agency would be required to record or document the meeting, and to make any documentation available to the public within seven days after the meeting. This measure would apply to all public agency meetings where a policy or regulatory issue is addressed that affects the public.
*Last day to challenge title and/or summary: 11-03-2008
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Assigned Number: 423 Filed: 10/28/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to Protecting the Initiative Process
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 10-31-2008
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Assigned Number: 424 Filed: 10/29/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to protecting the initiative process
*Withdrawn by Sponsor 11-12-2008
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Assigned Number: 425 Filed: 11/10/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to Initiative Process
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Assigned Number: 426 Filed: 11/10/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to the Initiative Process
*Withdrawn by sponsor 12-04-2008
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Assigned Number: 427 Filed: 11/19/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.j. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 427 concerns state, county, and city general fund revenue increases.
This measure would limit state, county, and city general fund revenue growth to the annual rate of inflation, except voter-approved increases. Revenue above the limit would reduce the following year's property tax levy.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit the annual growth of "general fund revenues" (a term defined in the measure) to the annual rate of inflation, for the state and for each county and city, beginning with revenues collected in 2008. Voter-approved increases would not be included in calculating the limits. Revenues collected above these limits in any year would be applied by the state, county, or city to reduce its property tax levy in the following year.
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Assigned Number: 428 Filed: 12/04/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to protecting the initiative process
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Assigned Number: 429 Filed: 11/19/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to protecting taxpayers
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 12-16-2008
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Assigned Number: 430 Filed: 12/15/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 430 concerns the initiative and referendum processes.
This measure would require two-thirds legislative majorities for bills restricting initiative or referendum processes; direct how courts review initiatives, referendums and laws affecting those processes; and revise laws concerning signature-gathering and processing petitions.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require two-thirds legislative majorities to enact bills restricting the initiative or referendum processes; require expedited judicial review and direct judicial review standards for emergency clauses and certain other laws affecting the initiative or referendum powers; direct the timing of judicial review of initiatives and referendums; and revise laws concerning the contents of signature petitions, the time limits for filing initiative petitions and signature petitions, signature gathering, signature gatherers, and processing signature petitions.
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Assigned Number: 431 Filed: 12/01/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to protecting taxpayers
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Assigned Number: (not assigned) Filed: 07/15/2008
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to Protecting the Initiative Process
*Inactive - Deadline Expired*