Proposed Initiatives to the Legislature - 2005

The following is a list of proposed initiatives to the Legislature filed to date with the Office of the Secretary of State. To be certified, a petition must contain the signatures of at least 224,880 registered voters. The deadline for filing petition signatures for the following initiatives is 5:00 p.m. December 30, 2005. Questions regarding the content of initiatives should be directed to the sponsor(s).


Initiative numbers are not assigned until the proposal has been reviewed by the state Code Reviser and the sponsor has submitted the final language of the proposed initiative. The content of initiatives is described as general "subject matter" pending the issuance of an official ballot title and summary by the state Attorney General.

Assigned Number: 339
Filed: 04/13/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (509) 467-5467
Fax: Fax(509) 467-4323
[email protected]

Initiative Subject
*Relating to limiting state and local government charges on motor vehicles.


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Assigned Number: 340
Filed: 04/27/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(509)467-4323
[email protected]

Initiative Subject
*Relating to limiting state and local government charges on motor vehicles.


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Assigned Number: 341
Filed: 05/09/2005

Mr. Richard J. Spady

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 7237
Bellevue, WA 98008

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 341 concerns a process to provide citizens’ opinions to governments.

This measure would establish a network of citizen councilors, coordinated by the state auditor’s office, where volunteers would meet in small groups and share their opinions on topics of public interest for tabulation.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would establish a network of citizen councilors to engage in dialogue on topics of public importance. Topics would be periodically identified by the state auditor based on special questionnaires sent to citizens who choose to participate, plus suggestions from public officials. The program would be coordinated through the state auditor’s office, would encourage citizen volunteers to meet in small groups, and develop opinions. Opinions would be tabulated with funding by donations and subscriptions.

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Assigned Number: 342
Filed: 05/17/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(425)493-1027
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 342 concerns limiting motor vehicle charges.

This measure would cap motor vehicle registration charges at $30 per year, repeal taxes and fees exceeding the $30 limit, calculate vehicle taxes and fees based on purchase price, and retire certain bonds.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would limit motor vehicle registration charges to $30 per year for motor vehicles weighing less than 22,000 pounds, and would repeal certain fees and charges exceeding the $30 limit. A new valuation schedule based on purchase price would be used in calculating motor vehicle taxes and fees. If vehicle taxes or fees are repealed by voter action, local governments would be required to retire certain callable bonds pledging the repealed taxes and fees.

Revised Ballot Title

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Assigned Number: 343
Filed: 06/14/2005

Mr. Martin D Ringhofer

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 216
Soap Lake, WA 98851
Phone: (509)246-0679
Fax: Fax(206)784-5920
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 343 concerns citizenship.

This measure would require voter registration applicants to supply proof of citizenship and other information, require additional identification to vote, and require government agencies administering benefits to verify citizenship and report immigration violations.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require voter registration applicants to supply additional information, including former residence, telephone number, occupation, and proof of citizenship. Under certain circumstances, county auditors would be required to verify voter residence and cancel registration if verification is not provided. Voter identification would be required at polling places. Agencies administering public benefits would be required to verify eligibility for benefits and report immigration law violations, subject to enforcement by citizen lawsuits and criminal prosecution.

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Assigned Number: 344
Filed: 06/30/2005

Mr. Donald D. Hansler

Public Contact Information:
22711 66th Ave Ct E
Spanaway, WA 98387
Phone: (253)846-3354

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 344 concerns qualifications for elective state office.

This measure would require every candidate for elective state office to pass the tenth grade Washington assessment of student learning (WASL) test, and to file an affidavit so certifying before filing for office.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require, beginning with the 2006 elections, every candidate for elective state office to pass the tenth grade Washington assessment of student learning (WASL) test, and to present an affidavit so certifying when filing for office. The secretary of state would make arrangements with the superintendent of public instruction to identify a location where the test would be administered to prospective candidates. The candidates would pay the fee for administration of the test.

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Assigned Number: 345
Filed: 07/18/2005

Mr. Ray D. Benham

Public Contact Information:
5312 W. Tucannon Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Phone: (509)783-3829

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 345 concerns teaching about the Declaration of Independence in schools.

This measure would require public and private schools to teach the relationship of the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution of the United States and to the Constitution of the state of Washington.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require that schools teach the relationship of the Declaration of Independence to the federal and state constitutions, as a high school graduation requirement. This subject would be required in fifth and eighth grades, and in two years of high school. The Initiative lists specific elements and readings to be included in teaching this subject. It would require display of the historical documents in schools and inclusion of the subject in standardized tests.

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Assigned Number: 346
Filed: 07/19/2005

Mr. Curtis L. Fackler

Public Contact Information:
9617 N. Arrowhead
Spokane, WA 99208
Phone: (509)467-7392

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 346 concerns health insurance.

This measure would prohibit certain providers of health insurance from accumulating capital and surplus greater than two months claim expenses, and would require refunds to policy holders of any amount over that limit.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would prohibit health care service contractors and health maintenance organizations with annual premiums over two hundred fifty million dollars from accumulating capital and surplus greater than two months claim expenses. Any excess would be refunded or credited against premiums. The insurance commissioner would be prohibited from approving any rate increases for health insurance unless excess reserves are used to reduce premiums. The initiative would repeal statutory language declaring excess capital to be desirable.

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Assigned Number: 347
Filed: 07/25/2005

Mr. Richard Lee Moore

Public Contact Information:
91 Packard Street
Underwood, WA 98651-7016
Phone: (509)493-2098

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 347 concerns calling for enactment of a National Initiative and Referendum Amendment.

This measure would direct the legislature to enact legislation petitioning Congress to call a national constitutional convention to consider and establish a National Initiative and Referendum Amendment as set forth in the measure.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure directs the state legislature to enact legislation applying to Congress under Article Five of the United States Constitution for a constitutional convention. The purpose of the constitutional convention would be to consider and establish a National Initiative and Referendum Amendment. The text of the proposed constitutional amendment is attached to the text of the measure.

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Assigned Number: 348
Filed: 09/14/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(425)493-1027
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 348 concerns limiting motor vehicle charges.

This measure would cap motor vehicle registration charges at $30 per year, repeal taxes and fees exceeding the $30 limit, calculate vehicle taxes and fees based on purchase price, and retire certain bonds. Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would limit motor vehicle registration charges to $30 per year for vehicles weighing less than 22,000 pounds, and would repeal certain fees and charges exceeding the limit. A new valuation schedule based on purchase price would be used in calculating motor vehicle taxes and fees. If vehicle charges are repealed or reduced by voter action, local governments would be required to retire bonds pledging the charges as soon as the bond contract permits.

Withdrawn by Sponsor

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Assigned Number: 349
Filed: 10/24/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(425)493-1027
[email protected]

Initiative Subject
*Relating to revenues and fees for state and local governments.


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Assigned Number: 350
Filed: 10/24/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(425)493-1027
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 350 concerns transportation.

This measure would open carpool lanes during off-peak hours, dedicate state sales and use taxes on motor vehicles to fund traffic congestion relief projects as defined, and require the state to issue bonds. Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require carpool lanes to be open to all traffic, except weekdays 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. It would require sales and use taxes on motor vehicles to be used exclusively to expand road capacity and improve traffic flow. It would require the state to issue $10 billion in general obligation bonds for traffic congestion relief projects, and would pledge the above taxes to repay the bonds.

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Assigned Number: 351
Filed: 10/24/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(425)493-1027
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 351 concerns prohibiting discrimination and preferential treatment.

This measure would prohibit public and private entities from using race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in decisions about employment, contracting, subcontracting, college admissions and school assignment, and limit collection of data. Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would prohibit public agencies, and private employers, schools and contractors from using race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in employment, education and contracting policies and actions. Public educational institutions would be prohibited from using these factors in admissions or other policies. Schools would be prohibited from considering them in school assignment decisions. Public agencies would be prohibited from using these factors in contracting and subcontracting. Government collection of data would be limited.

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Assigned Number: 352
Filed: 11/04/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: Fax(425)493-1027
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 352 concerns revenue and fee increases.

This measure would require state and local governments to receive approval by a two-thirds vote of the legislative body or a majority of the voters at an election to increase revenues or fees.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would direct the legislature, before taking any action that raises revenue, or that increases fees, to gain the approval of either two-thirds of both houses of the legislature or majority approval by the voters at an election. The term “raises state revenue” would be defined. Actions taken by local taxing districts to increase revenues, or to increase fees, would require either a two-thirds vote of the local legislative body or majority voter approval.

Revised Ballot Title

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Assigned Number: 353
Filed: 11/22/2005

Mr. Dennis Falk

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 557
Fox Island, WA 98333
Phone: (253)565-1776
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 353 concerns estate tax.

This measure would repeal Washington’s state laws imposing tax on the transfer of certain estates, and would apply to the estates of persons dying on or after the effective date of this measure.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
Washington law currently imposes a graduated tax on the transfer of certain Washington estates having a taxable value of more than 1.5 million dollars ($1,500,000) ( more than 2 million dollars after January 1, 2006). The revenues from this tax are deposited in the education legacy trust fund. This measure would repeal this estate tax. The repeal would apply to the taxable estates of persons dying on or after the effective date of the measure.

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Assigned Number: 354
Filed: 11/23/2005

Mr. Brian Janssen

Public Contact Information:
300 Lenora St #259
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: (206)652-3300
[email protected]

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 354 concerns classroom instructional expenditures by school districts.

This measure would require that beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, school districts must spend at least 65% of their operational budgets on classroom instruction, subject to waiver and exceptions under certain circumstances.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require that school districts spend from all revenue sources at least sixty-five percent of their operational expenditures on classroom instruction. Capital expenditures for construction and debt would not count as “operational expenditures.” Districts spending less than 65% in fiscal year 2006-2007, could gradually increase their percentage of classroom instruction expenditures, and the superintendent of public instruction could waive the requirement. Annual reporting, public hearings, and a performance audit would also be required.

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Assigned Number: (not assigned)
Filed: 12/14/2005

Mr. Leo J. Fagan
Mr. M.J. Fagan
Mr. Tim Eyman

Public Contact Information:
PO Box 18250
Spokane, WA 99228
Phone: (425)493-8707
Fax: (425)493-1027
[email protected]

Initiative Subject
Relating to motor vehicle charges.

Assigned Number: (not assigned)
Filed: 12/21/2005

Mr. Daniel W. Wood

Public Contact Information:
681 Monte Elma Rd
Montesano, WA 98563
Phone: (360)870-6018

Initiative Subject
Relating to private property.