Assigned Number: 285 Filed: 03/13/2003
Sponsors James Rigby
Mr. Ray D. Benham Mr. Thomas C. Larsen
Public Contact Information: 600 Stewart St, #224 Seattle, WA 98101 Phone: (206) 441-0826
[email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 285 concerns teaching the Declaration of Independence, the constitutions, and related documents.
This measure would require all schools to include specified teaching in their social studies curriculum concerning the Declaration of Independence, the constitutions of the United States and of the State, and related documents.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require all schools to teach the relationship of the Declaration of Independence to the United States and Washington State Constitutions, and related documents, as a prerequisite to graduation from public and private high schools. School boards would include specified materials as part of their social studies curriculum and as a subject of standardized testing. Copies of these documents would be displayed in each school. The measure would also define the "teaching" required.
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Assigned Number: 286 Filed: 03/12/2003
Sponsors Mr. George C. Deane
Public Contact Information: 525 Hawthorne Everett, WA 98201 Phone: (425) 252-7352
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 286 concerns replacing the name "Washington" with "Cascadia".
This measure would require future publications of the Revised Code of Washington to replace any references to the state of "Washington" with references to the state of "Cascadia", with appropriate changes in abbreviations.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require future publications of the Revised Code of Washington to replace any reference to the state of "Washington" with a reference to the state of "Cascadia." Abbreviations for "Washington" would be replaced with abbreviations for "Cascadia" such as "C" or "CASC" or "CS." In all aspects of state law any reference to the state of "Cascadia" would be read as "Washington" in order to "facilitate seamless transition and avoid ambiguity."
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Assigned Number: 287 Filed: 03/12/2003
Sponsors Mr. Paul Richards
Public Contact Information: 6012 Palatine Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 Phone: [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 287 concerns valuing real property for tax purposes.
This measure would define real property value as the “fair market value of the last purchase price paid,” and would require property tax assessment on this basis beginning with taxes collected in 2005.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would define “true and fair value” of real property to be the “fair market value of the last purchase price paid.” Assessors would revalue all property to this value before levying taxes to be collected in 2005. The measure would eliminate requirements that property be revalued between sales. The legislature would be directed to propose appropriate changes in the state constitution to assure stability of the property valuation system established in this measure.
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Assigned Number: 288 Filed: 03/12/2003
Sponsors Suzanne D. Karr
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1942
Everett, WA 98206 Phone: (425) 772-9611
[email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 288 concerns performance audits of state agencies and institutions.
This measure would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits of state government programs, with the assistance of a citizens’ oversight committee. Five million dollars would be appropriated for fiscal year 2005.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits on state government agencies and programs. The audits would include recommendations for potential cost savings, elimination or reduction of programs, correcting gaps and overlaps in functions, and verification of performance measurement systems. A citizens’ oversight committee of seven members would make recommendations to the auditor about the initiation and scope of performance audits. Five million dollars would be appropriated for the 2005 fiscal year.
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Assigned Number: 289 Filed: 03/14/2003
Sponsors Mr. Kenneth W. Sletten
Public Contact Information: PO Box 707 Keyport, WA 98345
Phone: (360) 620-5008
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 289 concerns investigating changes in state boundary lines.
This measure would direct the Spokane County boundary review board to conduct an investigation into the feasibility and the mechanics of defining new boundary lines for the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the Spokane County boundary review board to conduct a study of the feasibility of changing the boundaries of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, such as by making the crest of the Cascade mountains the boundary between two states. An initial report would be due by January 14, 2005. State executive agencies would be directed to assist in carrying out the intent of the measure, possibly leading to state legislative and congressional action.
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Assigned Number: 290 Filed: 03/17/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mulkileto, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 290 concerns property tax levies.
This measure would reduce the state portion of the property tax levy by 25%, effective in 2004, and would require local governments to seek voter approval for all regular property tax levy increases.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce by 25% the state property tax levy for the common schools, for taxes collected in 2004 and later years, compared to the amount that would otherwise have been allowed. Local governments would be limited to regular property tax levies of not more than 100% of the highest of the three previous annual levies, unless they obtain annual voter approval for a higher levy. School district levies would not be affected.
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Assigned Number: 291 Filed: 04/11/2003
Sponsors Mr. Michael J. Thompson
Public Contact Information: 9710 5th Ave NE, #403 Seattle, WA 98511 Phone: (206) 522-8184
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 291 concerns credit card interest.
This measure would provide that the amount of interest charged for unsecured credit card balances could not exceed twelve percent per year.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide that the amount of interest charged for unsecured credit card balances could not exceed twelve percent per year.
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Assigned Number: 292 Filed: 04/04/2003
Sponsors Mr. Bruce Agnew Mr. David A. Russell Mr. Michael K. Vaska
Public Contact Information: 18925 SE 63rd Pl Issaquah, WA 98027 Phone: (425) 746-7691
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 292 concerns regional transportation.
This measure would provide for elected regional transportation accountability boards (required in Central Puget Sound, optional elsewhere). Each board would consolidate and govern existing regional transportation agencies and coordinate planning, funding, and services.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide for regional transportation accountability boards, which would be required in the region composed of King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties, and optional in other counties. Each board would consist of seven members elected by the people, would serve as the consolidated governing body for each regional transit authority, transportation planning authority, and transportation investment district in its region. The boards would provide coordinated planning and funding for regional transportation projects and services.
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Assigned Number: 293 Filed: 04/23/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject *Relating to property tax levies
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Assigned Number: 294 Filed: 05/05/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject *Relating to property tax levies
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Assigned Number: 295 Filed: 05/30/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject * Relating to property tax levies
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Assigned Number: 296 Filed: 06/09/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject * Relating to Property Taxes
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Assigned Number: 297 Filed: 06/09/2003
Sponsors Mr. Gerald M. Pollet
Public Contact Information: 1305 4th Ave #208 Seattle, WA 98101 Phone: (206) 382-1014 Fax: (206) 382-1148 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 297 concerns "mixed" radioactive and nonradioactive hazardous waste.
This measure would add new provisions concerning “mixed” radioactive and nonradioactive hazardous waste, requiring cleanup of contamination before additional waste is added, prioritizing cleanup, providing for public participation and enforcement through citizen lawsuits.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish additional requirements for regulating “mixed waste” (radioactive and nonradioactive hazardous substances) sites, such as the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The measure would set standards for cleanup and granting permits, would prohibit waste disposal in unlined soil trenches, and require cleanup of tank leaks. Permits would not allow adding more wastes to facilities until existing contamination was cleaned up. Additional public participation would be provided and enforcement through citizen lawsuits would be authorized.
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Assigned Number: 298 Filed: 06/18/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject * Relating to property taxes
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Assigned Number: 299 Filed: 07/01/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject * Relating to property taxes
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Assigned Number: 300 Filed: 06/18/2003
Sponsors Mr. Bruce Agnew Mr. David A. Russell Mr. Michael K. Vaska
Public Contact Information: 1617 Boylston, #200 Seattle, WA 98122 Phone: (425) 822-5744
| Ballot Title Initiative No. 300 concerns regional transportation planning, funding, and audits.
This measure would authorize regional transportation accountability boards (required for certain high population and adjoining counties) to govern consolidated transportation agencies and submit regional plans to voters. Certain transportation powers would be revised.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require establishment of regional transportation accountability boards for certain counties, including counties that meet population criteria (currently King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties), with boards optional elsewhere. Each board, with seven voting members elected by the people, would consolidate and govern existing regional transportation agencies; coordinate planning, services and funding; and submit regional investment plans for voter approval. Functions and duties of regional transportation investment districts and local governments would be revised.
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Assigned Number: 301 Filed: 07/15/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 301 concerns property tax levies of local governments, including local taxing districts.
This measure would reduce regular property tax levies for counties, cities, towns, and other local taxing districts by 25%, and require 60% voter approval to increase these levies above the 1% annual limit.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce by 25% regular property tax levies for counties, cities, towns, and other local taxing districts such as road districts, port districts, public utility districts, park districts, library districts, and others. Sixty-percent voter approval would be required to exceed the 1% annual levy increase allowed by existing law. Levy capacity could not be “banked” by deferring the 1% increase and combining it with future increases. Voter-approved special levies would not be affected.
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Assigned Number: 302 Filed: 07/07/2003
Sponsors Mr. Richard J. Spady
Public Contact Information: 148 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Phone: (425) 747-8373
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 302 concerns a process to provide citizens’ opinions to state government.
This measure would establish a program, funded by fees and donations, whereby citizens can volunteer to meet in small groups and give their opinions on topics selected by the governor, auditor, and legislators.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would authorize individuals to volunteer to serve as citizen councilors, who would meet in small groups and give their opinions on topics selected by the governor, auditor, and legislators. The auditor would develop objective information about each topic to be presented at the meetings. The auditor would appoint a volunteer councilor coordinator to facilitate gathering opinions from the groups. The program would be financed by small fees paid by participants and by donations.
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Assigned Number: 303 Filed: 07/25/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 303 concerns local government regular property tax levies.
This measure would reduce regular property tax levies for counties, cities, and other local taxing districts by 25%, and require 60% voter approval for multi-year levy increases exceeding the current 1% levy limit.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce by 25% the regular property tax levies of local governments authorized to impose regular property taxes, not including voter-approved special levies such as local school levies. Sixty-percent voter approval would be required for regular local property tax levies exceeding the one percent levy increase limit and lasting longer than one year. Local taxing districts would have to obtain voter approval to use “banked” levy capacity to exceed the one percent limit.
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Assigned Number: 304 Filed: 07/30/2003
Sponsors Mr. William Barnet
Public Contact Information: 801 Stitch Road Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Phone: (425) 334-2925
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 304 concerns sales and use tax exemptions.
This measure would exempt from sales and use tax the purchase or use of tangible personal property by school districts, and exempt from sales tax charges for constructing or maintaining school facilities.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide certain sales and use tax exemptions to school districts. The sales tax exemption would apply to: sales of tangible personal property to a school district; and charges made for labor and services performed in constructing and maintaining school facilities or school district property. The use tax exemption would apply to the use of tangible personal property by a school district. School districts would be required to provide exemption certificates to sellers.
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Assigned Number: 305 Filed: 08/08/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 305 concerns local government regular property tax levies.
This measure would reduce regular property tax levies for counties, cities, and other local taxing districts by 25%, and require 60% voter approval for multi-year levy increases exceeding the current 1% levy limit.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce by 25% the regular property tax levies of local governments authorized to impose regular property taxes, not including voter-approved special levies such as local school levies. Sixty-percent voter approval would be required for regular local property tax levies exceeding the one percent levy increase limit and lasting longer than one year. Local taxing districts would have to obtain voter approval to use “banked” levy capacity to exceed the one percent limit.
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Assigned Number: 306 Filed: 07/25/2003
Sponsors Mr. Ameliya Abero
Public Contact Information: Hansee Hall, Austin Box 44103 Seattle , WA 98195 Phone: (206) 934-8458
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 306 concerns additional cigarette taxation to pay for nursing programs.
This measure would impose an additional tax of 15% on the sale, use, consumption, handling, possession, or distribution of cigarettes. The revenue would be allocated to state colleges and universities for nursing programs. Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would impose a tax in the amount of 15 percent on the sale, use, consumption, handling, possession, or distribution of cigarettes, in addition to all existing taxes. The revenue from this additional tax would be placed in the general fund and allocated to universities and colleges in the state of Washington for use in their nursing programs.
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Assigned Number: 307 Filed: 08/25/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 307 concerns local government regular property tax levies.
This measure would reduce regular property tax levies for counties, cities, and other local taxing districts by 25%, and require 60% voter approval for multi-year levy increases exceeding the current 1% levy limit.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce by 25% the regular property tax levies of local governments authorized to impose regular property taxes, not including voter-approved special levies such as local school levies. Sixty-percent voter approval would be required for regular local property tax levies exceeding the one percent levy increase limit and lasting longer than one year. Local taxing districts would have to obtain voter approval to use “banked” levy capacity to exceed the one percent limit.
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Assigned Number: 308 Filed: 08/20/2003
Sponsors Mr. Yoram K Bauman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 868 Seattle, WA 98111-0868 Phone: (206) 351-5719 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 308 concerns regulation of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture.
This measure would regulate pesticide and fertilizer use in agriculture through new reporting requirements, earmarking certain funds for pesticide and fertilizer reduction, limiting tax exemptions for pesticides and fertilizers, and establishing a commission.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the department of ecology to establish a pesticide use reporting system. A nine-member commission would be established to oversee efforts to reduce pesticide and fertilizer use. All retail sales and use taxes on pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture, together with certain other funds, would be placed in a new account in the state treasury, earmarked for this program. Certain tax exemptions for pesticides and fertilizers would be narrowed or eliminated.
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Assigned Number: 309 Filed: 09/08/2003
Sponsors Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 1300 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127 Fax: (425) 493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 309 concerns property tax levies.
This measure would reduce regular property tax levies by counties, cities, and other local taxing districts by 25% beginning in 2005. The measure would not affect voter-approved special levies, including local school levies.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce the property tax levy for each local taxing district (county, city, town, or any special purpose district with the authority to impose a property tax) by 25.0% of the levy amount that would otherwise be allowed under existing law. The reduction would be effective with taxes levied for collection in 2005 and every year from then on. This reduction would not affect voter-approved special levies, such as local school district levies.
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Assigned Number: 310 Filed: 09/09/2003
Sponsors Mr. Yoram K Bauman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 868 Seattle, WA 98111-0868 Phone: (206) 351-5719 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 310 concerns pesticide and fertilizer use.
This measure would require new reporting of pesticide use, limit certain pesticide and fertilizer tax exemptions, earmark revenues to protect health and the environment from pesticide and fertilizer use, and establish a commission.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the department of ecology to adopt rules requiring a new pesticide use reporting system. Existing retail sales and use tax exemptions for pesticides and fertilizers would be limited. Tax revenues generated by limiting these exemptions, together with certain other revenues, would be earmarked for programs to protect health and the environment from pesticide and fertilizer use, including alternatives to their use. An appointed nine-member commission would oversee implementation of the measure.
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Assigned Number: 311 Filed: 09/08/2003
Sponsors Mr. Richard Lee Moore
Public Contact Information: 91 Packard Street Underwood, WA 98651 Phone: (509) 493-2098
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 311 concerns calling for a constitutional convention.
This measure would direct the legislature to call for a constitutional convention to amend the United States Constitution by establishing a national initiative and referendum, eliminating the electoral college, and modifying treaty-making power. Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the state legislature to call for a United States constitutional convention. The convention would be convened to consider the following proposed amendments: establishing a national initiative and referendum process administered by a board with members elected by the states; eliminating the electoral college and replacing it with election by popular vote with a runoff if no candidate gains a majority; and requiring a two-thirds vote of the people to ratify treaties.
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Assigned Number: 312 Filed: 10/08/2003
Sponsors Mr. Donald D. Hansler
Public Contact Information: 22711 66th Ave CT E
Spanaway, WA 98387 Phone: (253) 846-3354
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 312 concerns providing bonus compensation to teachers based on parent ratings.
This measure would provide yearly bonus payments for public school teachers based on parent/guardian ratings, calculated as a percentage of average teacher salary, and funded by a sales tax increase of 0.15 percent.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide yearly bonus compensation to public school teachers, based on questionnaires mailed to parents and guardians of students. Each parent or guardian could rate the teacher according to a scale set forth in the measure. Teachers with high average scores would qualify for bonus payments as described in the measure. The state sales tax would be increased by fifteen one-hundredths of one percent (0.15%), with revenues used only for additional teacher compensation.
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Assigned Number: 313 Filed: 10/08/2003
Sponsors Mr. Laren McLaren
Public Contact Information: 400 NE 48th St #1776
Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: (800) 353-1776
Fax: (253) 284-0803 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 313 concerns definitions of major and minor political parties.
This measure would define “minor party” to include any political party filing a written declaration of minor party status, permitting that party to nominate its candidates by convention rather than through the primary.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes[ ] No[ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would define “minor party” as a political party of which no nominee for president, vice president, United States senator, or a statewide office has received at least five percent of the total vote cast at the last preceding state general election in an even-numbered year. The measure would allow any political party to declare itself to be a “minor party,” permitting the party to nominate candidates by convention rather than through the primary.
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Assigned Number: 314 Filed: 12/15/2003
Sponsors Mr. Stephen M. Zemke
Public Contact Information: 2131 N 132nd St
Seattle, WA 98133 Phone: (206) 999-6095
[email protected]
| Initiative Subject *Relating to the initiative process
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Assigned Number: 315 Filed: 12/10/2003
Sponsors Mr. Javier O. Lopez
Public Contact Information: PO Box 5068 Lacey, WA 98509 Phone: (360) 438-2609
| Initiative Subject * Relating to Elections
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Assigned Number: 316 Filed: 12/10/2003
Sponsors Mr. Javier O. Lopez
Public Contact Information: PO Box 5068 Lacey, WA 98509 Phone: (360) 438-2609
| Initiative Subject *Relating to taxes
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Assigned Number: 317 Filed: 12/10/2003
Sponsors Mr. Javier O. Lopez
Public Contact Information: PO Box 5068 Lacey, WA 98509 Phone: (360) 438-2609
| Initiative Subject *Relating to Government
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 03/13/2003
Sponsors Mr. Robert A Ficalora
Public Contact Information: 6753 Belle Vista Pl NW
Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 866-2278
| Initiative Subject *Relating to Joint Memorials
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 08/08/2003
Sponsors Mr. Richard Lee Moore
Public Contact Information: 91 Packard St Underwood, WA 98651 Phone: (509) 493-2098
| Initiative Subject *Relating to calling for a constitutional convention
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 09/09/2003
Sponsors Mr. Yorham K. Bauman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 868 Seattle, WA 98111-0868 Phone: (206) 351-5719
| Initiative Subject *Relating to reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 12/17/2003
Sponsors Mr. Richard E. Patten
Public Contact Information: 218 Main St, #479 Kirkland, WA 98003 Phone: (425) 822-4770 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject *Relating to reducing traffic congestion
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