Assigned Number: 232 Filed: 03/08/2000
Sponsors Mr. Theodore E. Cowan
Public Contact Information: 14222 Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Phone: (425) 392-6896
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would entitle each citizen of the state to a basic amount of water needed for domestic purposes. The basic amount would be set by statute, or by rules adopted by the department of health. Water rights could be exercised individually or cumulatively in larger water systems. In water systems, the individual water rights would be assigned to the purveyors. Individual rights could be exercised as a ground water source in any way practicable.
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Assigned Number: 233 Filed: 03/08/2000
Sponsors Mr. William Harrington
Public Contact Information: PO Box 5345
Tacoma, WA 98415
Phone: (253) 475-4564
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish a state policy favoring shared parenting arrangements when there is a dissolution of marriage or separation. Unless the parents agree otherwise or the court after investigation finds special circumstances (such as abandonment, child abuse, or neglect), all parenting plans would be required to assign at least 35% of a child’s residential time, including overnights, to each parent. Courts would generally be required to accept parenting plans agreed to by the parents.
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Assigned Number: 234 Filed: 03/08/2000
Sponsors Margarita Prentice
Public Contact Information: 6228 S Langston Rd. Seattle, WA 98178 Phone: (206) 772-6480
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would define as "information custodians" nonpublic businesses that maintain and transfer data containing personal or sensitive information about consumers residing in Washington. Information custodians would be restricted from obtaining more information from consumers than reasonably necessary. "Personal information" could not be transferred to others if consumers objected, with certain exceptions. Businesses could not transfer "sensitive information," such as identification numbers, DNA, and passwords, without express consumer consent. Violations could result in civil liability.
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Assigned Number: 235 Filed: 03/13/2000
Sponsors Mr. William R. Walker
Public Contact Information: PO Box 698
Auburn, WA 98071 Phone: (253) 735-8860
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure states that the legislature would apply to Congress to call a federal constitutional convention. The convention would consider a proposed amendment contained in this measure, as well as other possible business. The proposed amendment would: subject acts of Congress and presidential actions to public review by electronic initiative, referendum, or general vote; limit judicial review; require 60% approval for tax increases; allow constitutional amendments by electronic initiative; and allow recall of federal officers.
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Assigned Number: 236 Filed: 04/03/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jim Morrison
Public Contact Information: 120 Maddox Road
Naches, WA 98937
Phone: (509) 966-5734
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would make American-English the official state language. All business of state and local governments would be conducted in American-English and no other language. Governments could act in other languages to assist students in learning American-English; to comply with federal laws; to teach students foreign language as part of an education curriculum; to protect public health or safety; to protect the rights of criminal defendants and crime victims; and for historical or ceremonial functions.
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Assigned Number: 237 Filed: 03/29/2000
Sponsors Mr. Richard Lee Moore
Public Contact Information: 91 Packard St. Underwood, WA 98651
Phone: (509) 493-2098
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the legislature to enact legislation calling for a constitutional convention. The initiative includes a suggested amendment to the United States Constitution, which would establish a national initiative and referendum system. The measure sets forth the details of a proposed system by which federal laws could be enacted by national initiative, laws and treaties could be reviewed by referendum, and federal officers could be recalled from office.
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Assigned Number: 238 Filed: 04/11/2000
Sponsors Mr. Brian Sullivan
Public Contact Information: 4440 Memory Lane W
University Place, WA 98466 Phone: (253) 472-5041
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require all financial institutions and insurance companies to protect consumer personal information. "Personal information" would include identification numbers, passwords, account balances, phone numbers, and similar information. Companies would be prohibited from collecting unnecessary information and restricted in transferring personal information to others, except when authorized by the customer or subject to such exceptions as business necessity or compliance with federal or state law. Violations could result in fines and in civil liability.
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Assigned Number: 239 Filed: 04/24/2000
Sponsors Suzanne D. Karr
Public Contact Information: 2224 Grand Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
Phone: (425) 258-9611
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would require that 90% of state and local transportation funds, including local transit taxes but excluding ferry and transit fares, be spent on road construction, improvement, and maintenance. Road and lane construction and maintenance would be the top transportation priority. Performance audits of transportation and public transit agencies would be required. Materials and labor used in road construction or maintenance would be exempt from sales tax. Counties and cities would update transportation plans.
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Assigned Number: 240 Filed: 04/27/2000
Sponsors Mr. Donald Carter
Public Contact Information: 8311 Thrulake Loop
Olympia, WA 98513
Phone: (360) 456-8655
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would eliminate the state property tax levy. Assessed value of property could not exceed 50% of true and fair value. Real property taxes would be calculated at $5.90 per $1000 of assessed value. Chapter 84.41 RCW, which contains many of the laws concerning revaluation of property, would be repealed in its entirety. Voter-approved levies would not be affected. The measure would take effect January 1, 2002.
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Assigned Number: 241 Filed: 04/24/2000
Sponsors Mr. James L. King, Jr.
Public Contact Information: 120 State Ave NE, #199
Olympia, WA 98501
Phone: (360) 534-5655
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit sales, takings, and conflicting uses of park lands by imposing procedural conditions and other limitations on their transfer. A portion of existing state revenue would be reallocated to parks and recreation. Local governments could, with voter approval, levy property, sales, or real estate taxes for parks and recreation. Fees for recreational services would be exempted from Initiative 601’s fee increase limitations. Certain parks employees could join the LEOFF pension system. (Revised May 25, 2000)
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Assigned Number: 242 Filed: 04/26/2000
Sponsors Mr. Maximus T. Englerius
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2622
Seattle, WA 98111 Phone: (206) 322-5500
| Ballot Measure Summary Shall an Office of State Inspector General be created, authorized to conduct hearings, issue cease and desist warnings, bring court actions, and review judicial performance? (Revised May 24, 2000)
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Assigned Number: 243 Filed: 05/18/2000
Sponsors Mr. J. R. Baker
Public Contact Information: PO Box 10504
Bainbridge, WA 98110 Phone: (206) 855-1717
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would allow businesses to collect only personal information reasonably necessary to process consumer-related requests. Personal information could not be disclosed without permission, except for law enforcement, non-profit and other stated purposes, with additional restrictions as to financial and medical information. Consumers would have access to their personal information. Personal information could be kept only so long as necessary, or as otherwise provided by law. Violations could result in civil liability or misdemeanor prosecution.
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Assigned Number: 244 Filed: 06/14/2000
Sponsors Mr. Stanley J. McKinney
Public Contact Information: 514 Perry Ave N. Port Orchard, WA 98366
Phone: (360) 895-4280
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would direct the legislature to propose an amendment to article VII, section 2(a) of the Washington State Constitution that would require a simple majority vote for passage of school maintenance and operation levies. The legislature would be directed to submit the proposed amendment to the qualified voters of the state at the next general election.
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Assigned Number: 245 Filed: 06/16/2000
Sponsors Mr. Stuart J. Bramhall
Public Contact Information: 2366 Eastlake #325 Seattle, WA 98102 Phone: (206) 323-3393 [email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would establish a health security trust to operate a health coverage system for all state residents not covered by federal programs. The trust would develop a single benefits package funded by mandatory premiums, a sliding-rate payroll assessment on employers, existing taxes, and co-payments. Payments to providers would be negotiated. For residents keeping private insurance coverage, state coverage would be secondary, with premiums remaining mandatory. Fifty million dollars would be appropriated for fiscal 2003.
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Assigned Number: 246 Filed: 07/06/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jeffrey W. Sowers
Public Contact Information: 2121 Evergreen Pk. Dr. SW #137
Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 534-9369 [email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would declare that the people may directly amend the constitution by initiative, without amending existing constitutional language. The measure would permit measures called "constitutional initiatives" to qualify for the ballot with signatures equal to three percent of the votes cast for governor at the last election conducted for that office. Proposed "constitutional initiative" measures could be filed up to sixteen months prior to the election at which they are to be submitted.
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Assigned Number: 247 Filed: 08/04/2000
Sponsors Mr. Randy G. Boss
Public Contact Information: 7510 43rd St Ct NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Phone: (253) 858-5100
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit the use of tolls or user fees for the costs of improvements, operation, maintenance, or restoration of an existing surfaced road or bridge. The department of transportation would be prohibited from leasing, franchising, or transferring roads or bridges to another entity, where such charges would be imposed. No past or future agreement could limit the public’s continued use of two-way, toll-free roads or bridges. Several statutes regarding bridges would be repealed.
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Assigned Number: 248 Filed: 07/27/2000
Sponsors Mr. Douglas P. Stanford
Public Contact Information: CRRH-WA PO Box 3232 Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (425) 889-8298
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would permit the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis (marijuana) as regulated by a state cannabis and liquor control commission. Certain personal use plants and hemp production would be exempt from regulation. The commission would sell cannabis at commission stores. Cannabis for medical treatment and research would be sold at cost. It would be a crime to sell or provide cannabis to a minor. The commission would conduct tests and set certain standards.
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Assigned Number: 249 Filed: 08/21/2000
Sponsors Mr. Chad E. Taylor
Public Contact Information: 45 NE Washington Ave #5
Chehalis, WA 98532 Phone: (360) 740-4477
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would extend state expenditure limits to all funds and accounts subject to allotment, except debt service funds, capital project funds, internal service funds, and certain other special purpose funds. The limit on each account could be adjusted to reflect transfers of program costs into or out of the fund. The emergency reserve fund balance could not exceed five percent of biennial expenditures, and excesses would be redistributed among several existing and new funds.
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Assigned Number: 250 Filed: 10/02/2000
Sponsors Mr. Andrea K. Vangor
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18499 Seattle, WA 98118 Phone: (206) 721-1013 [email protected]
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit the eligibility of state employees and dependents for insurance benefits. Only employees and dependents meeting eligibility requirements in place on May 1, 2000 would be eligible for these benefits. The term "lawful spouse" would include only a husband or wife of a state employee in a marriage recognized as valid in this state. Unmarried partners of state employees, and the children of unmarried partners, would be excluded from benefits.
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Assigned Number: 251 Filed: 11/16/2000
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M. J. Fagan Mr. Tim D. Eyman
Public Contact Information: 11913 59th Ave W Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure 251 concerns limiting the growth of state revenue.
This measure would limit the growth of total state revenue to the rate of inflation, beginning with the year 2000, with intent that the Legislature reduce property taxes to stay within this limit.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit annual increases in state revenue to the rate of inflation, beginning in the year 2000, with intent that revenues above the limit be reduced by the Legislature through property tax decreases. "Revenue" would include all taxes and fees collected by the state, except: tuition; fines and restitution; insurance premiums; revenue from sales of land or timber; investment income; or money received from the federal government.
* The sponsor has notified the Secretary of State's office that they would like to withdraw this initiative.
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Assigned Number: 252 Filed: 11/16/2000
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M. J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: 11913 59th Ave W Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 493-9127
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 252 concerns local government tax and fee increases.
This measure would require voter approval for all future local government tax and fee increases, and would restore such taxes and fees to their January 1, 2000, levels, unless approved by the voters.
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restore all local government tax and fees to their levels as of January 1, 2000. Future tax and fee increases would require voter approval. The measure would cover all taxes and fees in which a local government acts in a governmental capacity, but would not include education tuition, tolls and transit charges, insurance premiums, or other proprietary charges. Temporary emergency exceptions could be declared, with a two-thirds vote of the taxing authority.
* The sponsor has notified the Secretary of State's office that they would like to withdraw this initiative.
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Assigned Number: 253 Filed: 11/27/2000
Sponsors Mr. William A. Arensmeyer
Public Contact Information: 411 Lee St SW, #B-8 Tumwater, WA 98501 Phone: (360) 534-0323
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure 253 concerns gathering of initiative petition signatures.
This measure would require that a person collecting signatures for an initiative petition be a registered voter in the legislative district in which the person is collecting signatures.
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 04/28/2000
Sponsors Suzanne D. Karr
Public Contact Information: 2224 Grand Avenue
Everett, WA 98201 Phone: (425) 258-9611
| Initiative Subject *Relating to Improving traffic.
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 07/17/2000
Sponsors Mr. Jeffrey W. Sowers
Public Contact Information: 2121 Evergreen Pk. Dr. SW #137 Olympia, WA 98502
Phone: (360) 534-9369
[email protected]
| Initiative Subject *Relating to signature requirements of initiative petitions.
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Assigned Number: (not assigned) Filed: 11/27/2000
Sponsors Mr. William A. Arensmeyer
Public Contact Information: 411 Lee St SW, #B-8 Tumwater, WA 98501
Phone: (360) 534-0323
| Initiative Subject *Relating to initiative signatures.