Assigned Number: 196 Filed: 03/19/1997
Sponsors Mr. Donald Carter
Public Contact Information: 8311 Thrulake Loop
Olympia , WA 98513
Phone: (360) 456-8655
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would: limit taxes on property used as an owner's principal residence to 0.59 percent of "adjusted value"; base assessed value of property on "adjusted value" defined as the lesser of true and fair value or a number derived by increasing the 1992 value by two percent per year; permit revaluation on change of ownership; eliminate state tax on owner-occupied property; limit property tax collection; and apply to taxes payable in 1998 and after.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 197 Filed: 03/12/1997
Sponsors Mr. Thomas A. Rohan
Public Contact Information: 3626 Fremont Ln N #307
Seattle, WA 98103 Phone: (206) 547-2008
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would regulate and permit the possession of hemp (cannabis or marijuana) for industrial purposes, medicinal use requiring physician prescription, and personal use by adults over twenty-one. Growing, selling, and using intoxicating hemp would be restricted to places not accessible to minors. Advertising would be restricted. Taxes would be levied on production and sale. The liquor control board would be authorized to license and regulate production, sale, and use. Criminal penalties would be revised.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 198 Filed: 03/19/1997
Sponsors Mr. Maximus T. Englerius
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2622 Seattle, WA 98111-2622 Phone: (206) 322-5500
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would create an Office of Inspector General with a director appointed by the Governor for a maximum of two four-year terms. An Executive Committee would oversee and coordinate enactments to facilitate agency operations. The office would have no police powers, but would have authority to: issue subpoenas, conduct hearings, issue cease and desist warnings, require some form of corrective restitution, and issue fines for wrongdoing. Judicial performance would not be exempt from review.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 199 Filed: 03/24/1997
Sponsors Mr. Paul Keister
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2009
Pasco, WA 99301 Phone: (509) 545-8654
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would permit the practice of medicine by any registered nurse who has been licensed as a nurse for ten or more years, with no further qualification, license, or examination. The practice of medicine would be the same now permitted for licensed physicians under state law. Nurses could continue to practice medicine so long as they maintained their status as registered nurses.
Status: No signatures submitted by deadline.
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Assigned Number: 200 Filed: 03/26/1997
Sponsors Mr. Scott Smith Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: 10002 Aurora Ave N #3346 Seattle, WA 98133 Phone: (206) 526-8560
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would prohibit state and local government entities from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to any individual or group based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting. It would not affect otherwise lawful classifications necessary for sexual privacy, medical treatment, undercover law enforcement, theatrical casting, and separate-sex athletic teams. The measure would not prohibit actions necessary to maintain eligibility for federal funds.
Status: The measure was submitted to the voters at the November 3, 1998 general election. The measure was approved by the following vote: For - 1,099,410 Against - 788,930.
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Assigned Number: 201 Filed: 03/24/1997
Sponsors Mr. Paul Keister
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2009 Pasco, WA 99301
Phone: (509) 545-8654
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would repeal the state property tax, effective with the 1998 tax levy. (The state currently levies a statewide tax on property, in an amount not exceeding $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. This tax is used exclusively for the support of the state's common school system.) The formula for distributing forest revenue would be revised to reflect the repeal of the state property tax.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking
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Assigned Number: 202 Filed: 04/11/1997
Sponsors Mr. Patrick M. Crawford
Public Contact Information: PO 161 Little Rock , WA 98556
Phone: (360) 357-7536
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit the salaries of elected or appointed state officials to four times the average income for Washington state citizens; eliminate the limitation period for prosecuting crimes committed by officials, and allow the revocation of their retirement rights; and establish a citizen panel to oversee the recovery of wasted funds. The measure would require the employment security department to conduct hearings with citizen panels chosen from the jury pool, replacing administrative law judges.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking
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Assigned Number: 203 Filed: 04/03/1997
Sponsors Mr. William Walker
Public Contact Information: PO Box 698
Auburn, WA 98071-0698 Phone: (206) 735-8512
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would apply to Congress to call a federal constitutional convention. The purpose of the convention would be to consider proposed constitutional amendments on nationwide electronic voting. The application would require that the proposed amendment make the following acts subject to nationwide referendum: acts of Congress; court decisions rendering legislation unconstitutional; presidential actions; federal and state regulation; government regulation of the Internet. The death penalty would be imposed for tampering with electronic voting.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking
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Assigned Number: 204 Filed: 04/28/1997
Sponsors Mr. Patrick M. Crawford
Public Contact Information: PO 161
Little Rock, WA 98556
Phone: (360) 357-7536
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would limit the salaries of elected or appointed management officials to four times the average income for Washington state citizens; eliminate statutes of limitation for prosecuting job-related crimes committed by officials; require polygraph examinations of government employees; and establish a citizen panel to oversee the recovery of wasted funds. The measure would also require the employment security department to conduct hearings with three-member citizen panels chosen at random, replacing administrative law judges.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking. (Refile of I-202)
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Assigned Number: 205 Filed: 04/14/1997
Sponsors Mr. Maximus T. Englerius
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2622
Seattle, WA 98111-2622 Phone: (206) 322-5500
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would create an office of inspector general with a director appointed by the Governor for a maximum of two four-year terms. An executive committee would oversee and coordinate enactments to facilitate agency operations. The office would have no police powers, but would have authority to: issue subpoenas, conduct hearings, issue cease and desist warnings, require some form of corrective restitution, and issue fines for wrongdoing. Judicial performance would not be exempt from review.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking. (Refile of I-198)
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Assigned Number: 206 Filed: 07/01/1997
Sponsors Mr. James L. Morrison
Public Contact Information: 1470 Mapleway Road Yakima, WA 98937 Phone: (509) 966-5734
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would repeal statutes requiring certain counties and cities to engage in growth management planning and establishing requirements for such planning. It would repeal laws applicable to certain local governments requiring land use permit review; requiring proof of adequate water to obtain a building permit; authorizing regional transportation planning; requiring low income housing relocation assistance; authorizing collection of development impact fees; and authorizing collection of real estate excise tax for certain capital improvement projects.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking
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Assigned Number: 207 Filed: 06/30/1997
Sponsors Mr. Daniel A. Decker Kaye M. Pethe
Public Contact Information: 4621 NE 175th St
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 Phone: (206) 364-9797
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would exempt public education, including public libraries, from the limit on state spending and conditions on increasing taxes established in Initiative 601. It would make additional appropriations of $250 million in the current and next biennium for public schools. Classrooms with multiple grade levels would be restricted, the ratio of teachers to students would be increased and a common and public schools fund would replace the emergency reserve fund created by Initiative 601.
Status: No signatures submitted for checking
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Assigned Number: 208 Filed: 09/16/1997
Sponsors Mr. Malcolm S. Sotebeer
Public Contact Information: 13702 20th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98125 Phone: (206) 441-5085
| Ballot Measure Summary This measure would create a statewide youth athletic facilities council consisting of the directors of parks and the interagency committee for outdoor recreation, and five members appointed by the governor. The council director would be appointed by the governor. The council would prepare a statewide plan for the development of youth athletic facilities and could make grants from a new account in the treasury to local governments and non-profit organizations to develop youth athletic facilities. (Revised by Attorney General 8/8/97)
Status: No signatures submitted for checking
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Assigned Number: Not Assigned Filed: 06/05/1997
Sponsors Mr. Maximus T. Englerius
Public Contact Information: PO Box 2622 Seattle, WA 98111-2622 Phone: (206) 322-5500
| Initiative Subject *Relating to an office of state inspector general.
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