Proposed Initiatives to the People - 2024

The following is a list of proposed Initiatives to the People filed to date with the Office of the Secretary of State.


Initiative numbers are not assigned until the proposal has been reviewed by the state Code Reviser and the sponsor has submitted the final language of the proposed initiative. The content of initiatives is described as general "subject matter" pending the issuance of an official ballot title and summary by the state Attorney General.

To be certified, petitions must:

  • contain the signatures of at least 324,516 registered voters.
  • be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on July 5, 2024.
  • It is recommended that sponsors submit at least 405,000 signatures to allow for invalid signatures.

Questions regarding the content of initiatives should be directed to the sponsor of the initiative.

Submitted Signature Statistics

Filed Assigned Number Primary Sponsor Initiative Subject
1/9/2024 9:32 AM2017Michael McKeeEQUITY IN EDUCATION
1/9/2024 2:28 PM2018Michael McKeeEQUITY IN EDUCATION v.2
1/10/2024 3:28 PM2019Michael McKeeEQUITY IN EDUCATION v.3
1/5/2024 12:30 PM2020Clifford GreeneTwo Year Terms - Municipal Government
1/11/2024 11:25 AM2021Larry JensenPersonal Protection Initiative 1
1/10/2024 5:18 PM2022Larry JensenVoter Confidence Initiative1
1/11/2024 11:43 AM2023Larry JensenVoter Confidence Initiative2
1/10/2024 5:07 PM2024Larry JensenLocal Control Initiative1
1/11/2024 11:21 AM2025Larry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative
1/16/2024 7:48 AM2026Larry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative 3
1/12/2024 11:16 AM2027Michael McKeeEQUITY IN EDUCATION v.4 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/7/2024
1/8/2024 2:57 PM2028Albert CoburnAny judge presiding over a Washington State legal proceeding shall be required to report Child Abuse allegations to Child Protective Services for investigation. (Mandatory Reporter) v5
1/11/2024 11:53 AM2029Larry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative 2
1/16/2024 7:44 AM2030Larry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative 4
1/22/2024 7:18 AM2031Michael McKeeEQUITY IN EDUCATION v.5 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/7/2024
1/22/2024 7:21 AM2032Michael McKeeEQUITY IN EDUCATION v.6
1/18/2024 11:13 AM2033Larry JensenVoter Confidence Initiative3
1/11/2024 11:34 AM2034Larry JensenTerm Limits on Tax Increases 1
1/11/2024 11:38 AM2035Larry JensenTerm Limits on Tax Increases 2
1/26/2024 1:23 PM2036Larry JensenTaxpayer Protection Act 1
1/26/2024 11:05 AM2037Larry JensenPersonal Protection 2
1/17/2024 12:46 PM2038Larry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative 5
2/1/2024 3:21 PM2039Larry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative 6
2/8/2024 8:40 AM2040Regis CostelloCannabis Not Next Door
3/4/2024 11:37 AM2041Andrew VilleneuveEconomic Security for Washington Tenants Act
3/1/2024 3:57 PM2042Regis CostelloCannabis Not Next Door
3/6/2024 3:52 PM2043Larry JensenStop Skyrocketing Power Costs - Withdrawn by sponsor on 3/12/2024
3/6/2024 3:55 PM2044Larry JensenStop Skyrocketing Power Costs 2
3/6/2024 11:17 AM2045Andrew VilleneuveIndependent Prosecutor
3/7/2024 11:27 AM2046Larry JensenStop Skyrocketing Power Costs 3
2/27/2024 1:06 PM2047Harold Hautalavoter ID and term limits
3/11/2024 8:57 AM2048Larry JensenLower Heating Bills 1
3/6/2024 11:04 AM2049Andrew VilleneuveGiving Local Governments the Freedom to Choose Even-Year Elections
3/19/2024 9:29 AM2050Micheal Picon IIHS. 1240 Repeal
3/29/2024 8:30 AM2051Jim WalshNO "SQUATTERS' RIGHTS" IN WA 01
3/27/2024 8:40 AM2052Jim WalshNO NATURAL GAS BAN IN WA 01
3/27/2024 8:43 AM2053Jim WalshNO NATURAL GAS BAN IN WA 02
3/27/2024 8:46 AM2054Jim WalshNO NATURAL GAS BAN IN WA 03
3/28/2024 11:32 AM2055Jim WalshENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAW 01
3/28/2024 11:35 AM2056Jim WalshENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAW 02
3/28/2024 11:38 AM2057Jim WalshENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAW 03
3/29/2024 8:36 AM2058Jim WalshNO "SQUATTERS' RIGHTS" IN WA 02
3/29/2024 8:40 AM2059Jim WalshNO "SQUATTERS' RIGHTS" IN WA 03
4/4/2024 1:49 PM2060Ashli TagoaiEnergy Freedom 1 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/4/2024 1:51 PM2061Ashli TagoaiEnergy Freedom 2 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/4/2024 1:56 PM2062Ashli TagoaiProtect Energy Options - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/4/2024 2:03 PM2063Ashli TagoaiSave Our Stoves - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/5/2024 1:41 PM2064Ashli TagoaiEnergy Choice - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/5/2024 1:44 PM2065Ashli TagoaiProtect Energy Options 2 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/5/2024 1:47 PM2066Ashli TagoaiProtect Energy Choice
4/5/2024 1:49 PM2067Ashli TagoaiPreserve Energy Choice - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/29/2024
4/11/2024 8:50 AM2068Margaret WoodrichThe Washington State Electronic Impound Notice Initiative - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/17/2024
4/12/2024 1:13 PM2069Larry JensenLower Heating Bills 2
4/12/2024 1:19 PM2070Larry JensenLower Heating Bills 3
4/8/2024 9:10 AM2071Regis CostelloExclusive Electric Transformer Act
5/6/2024 10:31 AM2072Regis CostelloExclusive Electric Transformer Act
6/10/2024 8:31 AM2073Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act 2
6/10/2024 8:34 AM2074Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act 3
6/10/2024 4:02 PM2075Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act 4
6/6/2024 11:07 AM2076Juan-Carlos FoustThe Natural Psychedelics and Supportive Services Act (2)
6/25/2024 9 AM2077Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act 5
6/25/2024 9:26 AM2078Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act 6
6/25/2024 9:30 AM2079Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act 7
6/28/2024 1:23 PM2080Kyle WebsterHousing for All SSI disabled - A step towards reducing our homeless population.
1/8/2024 2:39 PMNot Yet AssignedPhilip HedtHealthy food affordablity
1/8/2024 2:46 PMNot Yet AssignedPhilip HedtTax Credit for Homeschooling Expenses
1/8/2024 3:27 PMNot Yet AssignedEvan BriggsAn Act Prohibiting Genital Mutilation
1/12/2024 4:11 PMNot Yet AssignedRobert J. MoitozaInitiative to the people
1/16/2024 7:40 AMNot Yet AssignedLarry JensenLower Property Tax Initiative 3
2/8/2024 8:42 AMNot Yet AssignedLarry JensenTaxpayer Protection Act 2
2/8/2024 8:45 AMNot Yet AssignedLarry JensenPersonal Protection 3
2/8/2024 9:51 AMNot Yet AssignedLarry JensenLower Property Taxes Initiative 7
4/1/2024 8:53 AMNot Yet AssignedMargaret WoodrichElectronic Impound Alert System
6/6/2024 10:54 AMNot Yet AssignedJuan-Carlos FoustThe Natural Psychedelics and Supportive Services Act (1)
7/2/2024 4:42 PMNot Yet AssignedKyle WebsterSecure Housing for Washington's Disabled- A step towards reducing our homeless population