Corporations for Communities
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As part of The Office of the Secretary of State’s 2019 Corporations for Communities Award Program, Secretary of State Kim Wyman awarded the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) Medallion to five Washington companies and bestowed special citations on two others for outstanding work to improve lives in Washington communities.
“Year after year, I continue to be in awe of the selflessness and sense of community demonstrated by our award recipients,” said Wyman. “These organizations go above and beyond to help those in need, and I am honored to celebrate them with our Corporations for Communities award.”
Receiving the NASS Medallion were:
• Bunyard Automotive of Colfax, a 1 1/2- year-old business that has dedicated time each week to repairing vehicles at little to no cost in order to provide families in need safe and reliable transportation.
• The Field Group of Yakima, which has donated hundreds of hours helping local nonprofits, including hosting its first annual Create for a Cause event in 2018 to identify valued nonprofit organizations with fundraising needs and assist with their marketing efforts.
• Kitsap Bank of Port Orchard, a family-owned business for 111 years that has donated $445,000 to nearly 100 local nonprofits in 2019, another $30,000 to small businesses which demonstrate a commitment to community, and provide free fraud prevention and financial literacy training to the public.
• RE/MAX Elite in Everett and Lynnwood, whose more than 90 employees have given back to their communities by contributing more than $80,000 in commissions to military and first-responder charities, donating over $40,000 to the RE/MAX Miracle Home Program and $105,000 for Seattle Children’s Uncompensated Care Program, and participating in local food- and toy-drives.
• Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc. (SEL) of Pullman, which has donated funds for Habitat for Humanity and Whitman County Food Pantries, raised $470,000 to support STEM programs in schools, and provides employees $100 to self-direct to the charity of their choice. SEL was also a recipient of the NASS Medallion in 2010.
Two additional recipients received Honor Roll Certificates for their community efforts:
• Lasher Holzapfel Sperry & Ebberrson, a Seattle law firm participates in Family Law CASA to provide legal support for at-risk youth, and supports and volunteers for a number of local organizations, including Mary’s Place and Peace for the Streets.
• Abbott’s Printing, a Yakima business that has: participated in the GIST Walk For the Cure; hosted a ‘ride for your cause,’ during which owners and employees rode 10,000 miles and raised $8,700 for YWCA, Rod’s House, Boy Scouts of America, Children’s Village, and Camp Prime Time, and; made cash and in-kind contributions to groups like the Yakima Humane Society, Northwest Lions Center, Yakima Symphony Orchestra, and others.